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International Journal in Management & Social Science
Year : 2015, Volume : 3, Issue : 7
First page : ( 533) Last page : ( 542)
Online ISSN : 2321-1784.

The Impact of the Micro-Finance on Indian Economy: A case study of Tata, India

Saha Biplab

Ph. D. Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, University Of Kalyan

Online published on 22 June, 2018.


Entitled ‘The impact of the micro-finance on Indian economy: a case study of Tata, India’ deals with the basic concept of the microfinance activity and its impact on the Indian economy. The researcher in this particular research has chosen a well established and very popular company of India and as well as world TATA India to complete the research procedure. The researcher suggest that the microfinance movement makes a very important impact on the rural development and as well as the Indian economy. The researcher uses various kinds of report chart, financial statement and economical survey report to complete the research procedure. The rural development was supposed to be an inevitable movement and therefore various self help groups started this micro finance movement. NABARD is the renowned name here and TATA has cooperated and accompanied in the evolution of the programme in order to undertake various improvement that helped rural India to go ahead with more enlightenment and adequacy.

The researcher has chosen the TATA India Company who applies the microfinance concept and procedure during their whole journey. The researcher suggests that microfinance movement has started in India in late eighties. One of the most popular modes of delivering the microfinance in India is the Self Help Groups. The report has found that the organization in no sense is using the TATA salt as the major instrument for reaching the people. The analysis of the TATA Company's financial statement will give a solid idea about the current topic and current issue. The researcher suggest that that among them some institutions are really very good in the terms of lending, training to their clients and the TATA India is one of the institutions.



Micro-Finance, TATA India, SHG, Impact, Indian Economy.


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