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International Journal of Nursing Education
Year : 2019, Volume : 11, Issue : 3
First page : ( 39) Last page : ( 44)
Print ISSN : 0974-9349. Online ISSN : 0974-9357.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-9357.2019.00061.8

Effectiveness of Green Cabbage Leaves (GCL) Vs Hot water bag (HWB) application on Breast Engorgement in Postnatal Mothers

Kumari Rekha*

Assistant Professor, Sharda University

*Corresponding author: Ms. Rekha Kumari, Assistant Professor, Sharda University Mail id: rekha.kumari@sharda.ac.in

Online published on 12 July, 2019.


“A Quasi Experimental study to compare the effectiveness of GCL and HWB application on Breast Engorgement in Postnatal Mothers in a selected Hospital of Dehradun, Uttarakhand”.


Quasi Experimental approach with Time Series Design was used as research design for the study. Sixty three postnatal mothers (32 in experimental group and 31 in control group) who fulfilled inclusion criteria were selected as sample consecutively and they were assigned randomly to experimental group and control group respectively. The data were collected by using Six point Engorgement scale and Numeric Pain scale. Intervention was given in the form of Green cabbage leave application in experimental group whereas, Hot water bag application in control group for 20 minutes in six interval of time.


Majority of Postnatal mothers (94%) in GCL group and (97%) in Hot Water Bag group were initiated breast feeding after 24 hour of delivery. Majority of the mothers (94%) had undergone LSCS in GCLand (97%) in the HWB group. The homogeneity was checked in both the group by using chi square test, fisher's exact test and ‘t’ test. It was found that except the educational status, the group were homogeneous in term of Age, Parity, Type of Delivery, Initiation of Breast Feeding, Frequency of Feeding, Duration of Breast Feeding, and Postnatal Day of engorgement. ANOVA was used for analysis. It was showed that from baseline to 20 minutes, mean engorgement and pain score in both the groups were same and then after six hours to 36 hours the mean and SD was decreased in both groups.


Findings Concluded that GCL are more effective than HWB in reducing breast engorgement whereas in Pain, there was reduction in both the groups gradually.



Breast engorgement, Pain, Postnatal mothers, Green Cabbage Leaves (GCL), Hot water bag (HWB).


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