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International Journal of Physical Education Sports Management and Yogic Sciences
Year : 2014, Volume : 4, Issue : 1
First page : ( 37) Last page : ( 40)
Print ISSN : 2231-1394. Online ISSN : 2278-795X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/j.2278-795X.4.1.009

Effects of circuit resistance training on selected motor fitness variables

Kumar V. Senthil*, Dr. Maniazhagu D.**

*Research Scholar, Deptt. of Phy. Edn., TNPESU, Chennai-6

**Assistant Professor, Deptt. of Phy. Edn., Alagappa University

Online published on 6 January, 2014.


The purpose of the study was to find out the effects of circuit resistance training on selected motor fitness variables such as muscular strength and muscular endurance. To achieve this purpose of the study, thirty college men football players from KLN College of Information Technology, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, and India were selected as subjects at random. The age of the subjects were ranged from 18 to 20 years. The selected subjects were divided into two equal groups of fifteen subjects each, such as circuit resistance training group (Group I) and control group (Group II). The circuit resistance training group (Group I) underwent circuit resistance training programme for three days per week for twelve weeks. Group II acted as control in which they did not undergo any special training programme apart from their regular physical education programme. All the subjects of two groups were tested on selected criterion variable such as muscular strength and muscular endurance at prior to and immediately after the training programme by using pushups and bend knee sit ups respectively. The analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to analysis the significant difference, if any between the groups. The level of significance to test the ‘F’ ratio obtained by the analysis of covariance was tested at.05 level of confidence, which was considered as an appropriate. The results of the study revealed that there was a significant difference between circuit resistance training group and control group on selected motor fitness parameters such as muscular strength and muscular endurance. Significant improvements on selected criterion variables namely muscular strength and muscular endurance were also noticed due to circuit resistance training.



Circuit Resistance Training, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, Ancova.


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