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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2019, Volume : 10, Issue : 10
First page : ( 2051) Last page : ( 2055)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2019.03151.6

Physiological Basis of Physical Rehabilitation of Athletes after Ankle Injuries

Karpov Vladimir Yurevich1, Zavalishina Svetlana Yuryevna2,*, Dorontsev Alexander Viktorovich3, Skorosov Konstantin Konstantinovich4, Ivanov Dmitry Anatolyevich5

1Department of Physical Education and Sport, Russian State Social University, st. V. Pika 4, Moscow, Russia

2Department of Adaptive Physical Culture and Recreation, Russian State Social University, st. V. Pika 4, Moscow, Russia

3Department of Physical Education, Astrakhan State Medical University, st. Bakinskaya 121, Astrakhan, Russia

4Department of Physical Education and Sport, Penza State University, st. Red 40, Penza, Russia

5Department of Physical Culture and Life Safety Basics, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, st. Sretenka 29, Moscow, Russia

*Corresponding Author: Zavalishina Svetlana Yuryevna, Department of Adaptive Physical Culture and Recreation, Russian State Social University, st. V. Pika 4, Moscow, Russia, 129226, Phone: +79102732263, Email: ilmedv1@yandex.ru

Online published on 23 December, 2019.


The rehabilitation process involves assisting the patient by compensating for the deficiency of the lost functional capabilities of the body, which can be corrected. Rehabilitation of athletes after ankle injury is carried out in stages. At the first stage-peace and protection, then-restoration of the flexibility and mobility of the joint without the load on it. When using more intense exercise, it is possible to stand on an injured leg. With a gradual return to the previous level of activity should not stop exercise. Such patients should conduct an adaptive physical culture. Her theory and methodology is based on a general theory and method of physical culture and is well developed. It is extremely important to complete the program of adaptive physical exertion during the rehabilitation of each athlete with an ankle injury, as this significantly reduces the chance of a similar injury in the future. The use of physical culture in the form of morning hygienic gymnastics and breathing exercises, starting from the early stages of immobilization, largely contributes to the normalization of the functions of blood circulation, respiration and metabolic processes. According to animal studies, intensive exercise in some cases of regulatory characteristics of the brain, which speeds up recovery.



Rehabilitation, ankle, trauma, physiology, athletes.


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