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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2019, Volume : 10, Issue : 10
First page : ( 2263) Last page : ( 2268)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2019.03192.9

Investigation of the MEP4 Gene of the Fungalysins Gene Family (MEP 1–5) in Isolated Skin Fungus from Primary School Students

Mohi Abbas Abdul Hussein1,*, Shibli Majid Kazem Al1

1Faculty of Education, University of AL-Qadisiyah, Iraq

*Correspoding Author: Abbas Abdul Hussein Mohi, Faculty of Education, University of AL-Qadisiyah, Iraq, Email: abass.alaros12345@gmail.com

Online published on 23 December, 2019.



Fungalysin MEP 1–5 is a group of genes that encode protease enzymes in skin fungi. Since proteins make up a large part of the weight of mammals represented by collagen, elastin and keratin, accounting for 25% of the weight of mammals. In addition, there are other proteins on the skin are the pillars of the work of protease enzymes; Endoprotease and Exoprotease, which are working to break down protein which is the source of carbon and nitrogen necessary for the growth of these fungi. The aim of current study was to confirm the presence of MEP4 of the Fungalysin gene family in isolates of skin fungal infections.


The study was conducted on isolated samples of primary school students under the age of 16 and included collection of samples from different areas of head palpitations, flexion of the body, hip flexor, mandrel, fingernail and foot band. The fungal infections were distinguished from other conditions such as eczema and hypersensitivity. Several samples were prepared to detect the presence of one MEP1–5 gene (fungalysins) using a known sequence of the 2000bp molecular weight MEP4 gene. After obtaining a primer, a real-time PCR scan was conducted to investigate the differences between the different isolates and their relationship to the virulence of species. The SDA and cycloheximide were used to prevent the growth of fungal fungi and chloramphenicol to prevent the growth of bacteria. The isolates were isolated and phenotypic isolates were included. Trichophyton ssp, Microsporium sp, Epdermophytoni sp analyzed data statistically, and analyzed real-time PCR melting curve.


The real-time analysis indicated that 59.25% of isolates did not show the gene expression of this gene, while 40.74% showed expression of MEP 4 gene.



Skin fungal infection, Fungalysin gene family, MEP4, PCR, Phenotypic.


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