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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2019, Volume : 10, Issue : 10
First page : ( 3042) Last page : ( 3046)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2019.03342.4

Effect of Competitive Exercises and Hospitalization with Salt Lipson to Develop Performance Tolerance and Some Biochemical Variables for Young Handball Players

Al-Musawi Baha Mohammed Taqi1, Al-Fadhli Ali Basim2

1Asst. Prof. College of Physical Education and Sports Science, Wasit University, Iraq

2Asst. Lecturer, College of Physical Education and Sports Science, Wasit University, Iraq

Online published on 23 December, 2019.


The study aimed to prepare competitive exercises with Hospitalization In the water medium with the salts of the Lipson to develop the performance tolerance and the concentration of lactic acid, magnesium and serotonin in the blood and identify the differences In the measurements of pre and post-tests performance tolerance and the concentration of lactic acid and magnesium and serotonin in the blood of young handball players. The researcher conducted his study on the players of the Wasit province youth handball team, where the number (14) players were selected (6) players The tests used in the research were measured by the ratio of the variables (manganese and serotonin) in the blood and the researcher used a measure of the concentration of lactic acid manually type (Lactate Pro 2) at rest time as well as after effort (Walk test). After (5 days) of the walking test (for Cunningham and Folkens) and concluded that the competitive exercises applied to the sample research contributed to the development of bearing performance, found that hospitalization water medium with Lipson salt has a positive effect on the variants (lactic acid, manganese and serotonin) resulting in improvement the functional status of the players.



Salt Lipson, performance tolerance, biochemical variables.


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