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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2019, Volume : 10, Issue : 2
First page : ( 698) Last page : ( 703)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2019.00375.9

Association between Vitamin D Level and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in Premenopausal Iraqi Women

Murshid Rafal Mustafa1, Abdulrazaq Alaa Abdulqader2, Muhammed Eaman Marouf3

1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, University of Anbar, Iraq

2Pathology Department, College of Medicine, Ibn Sina University of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Baghdad, Iraq

3Department, Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital, Baghdad, Iraq

Online published on 8 March, 2019.


Poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the commonest endocrine disorders in young age group female (with a prevalence of 6–10% in the general population). “PCOS is characterized by the following: ovulatory dysfunction resulting in oligo-amenorrhea and/or anovulation, hyperandrogenism and/or hirsutism and the presence of polycystic ovarian morphology by ultrasound”. “Vitamin D also plays a physiologic role in reproduction including” ovarian follicular development and luteinization via altering anti Müllerian hormone (AMH)”, signaling, “follicle-stimulating hormone sensitivity and progesterone production in human granulosa cells.” the aim of this study was to determine” whether “serum levels of vitamin D” were different between diseased (PCOS) and non-diseased women and; to determine whether its deficiency is associated with, metabolic and endocrine dysregulations “in PCOS affected females”.a case-control prospective descriptive clinical study. Study setting: Obstetric and Pediatric Teaching Hospital in Al-Ramadi/Iraq. Patient and Methods: during the period from JAN 2018 to SEP 2018. It was included 80 women diagnosed with PCOS based on Rotterdam criteria and 20 fertile women without PCOS. The patient's age were 18–45 years excluding the patients who were on hormonal replacement therapy for last 3months, had endocrine or chronic hepatic or renal disorders, and women that take vitamin D for last six months. Other parameters were recorded; the weight and height of all patients and control group (calculating the BMI) and investigated for serum random blood sugar and vitamin D level using ELISA technique.


The PCOS group had higher “body mass index (BMI)” and “random blood sugar(RBS)” value and the differences are both significant where the p values are 0.024 and 0.045 respectively. While the two groups were comparable in their ages and the difference where non-significant, p value is 0.10 (p value >0.05). large percentage of women were had low level of Vitamin D (91.25%) and (94.9%) of the, control group. The diferences between all level of vit D of both group are not significant (the P value is 0.63 calculated using chi-sequare test). There is (no, significant differences) in the Vitamin D, levels “between obese and non-obese PCOS patients as the P value is 0.4552 and” the distribution of patients according to their Vitamin D levels graded as deficient, insufficient and normal values.


Our result demonstrated (no difference) in serum vitamin D between (women with PCOS and control group) which suggesting that no clear correlations between “the role of vitamin D and the pathogenesis of PCOS”.



Vitamin D, PCOS, blood sugar and BMI.


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