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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2019, Volume : 10, Issue : 3
First page : ( 208) Last page : ( 211)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2019.00489.3

Performance of Indian Agricultural Export-An Analysis

Gunaseelan S.1, Kesavan N.2

1Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies, Pallavaram, Chennai

2Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Annamalai University, Deputed to Sethupathy Govt. Arts College, Ramanathapuram

Online published on 20 March, 2019.


The present analytical paper has been written for the awareness on Indian agricultural export and its impact on the GDP growth during the present decade. The authors have identified the volatility during the period of the Indian economy to restore the sustainable portions to be filled by the Indian agricultural export. Neither the national income is highly depended on the service sector or industrial sector. But the agricultural sector is not in a position to restore the 1950–55 situations. The agricultural and extension activities will develop based on human resources and technology, that resources are not utilized properly for the benefit of the people and nations development. The directorate and secretariat for the Department of Agriculture is unable to provide and facilitate the farmers by means of finance, equipments, pesticides, fertilizers, and agro based consultancies to develop the agriculture. The rural and villagers are hesitated to live there duo to poor agricultural employment and income, hence the migration of the people from rural to semi-urban or urban or city are taking place; the generation gap and understanding of the people on the agricultural is merely lower level and otherwise it is depressed job by community and their cost of living. Most of the employees are simply sitting and monthly getting concepts; there is no target of the agricultural process when compared to the other well developed nations. The government data are not updated up to date in its website, due to lack of managerial abilities. Most of the data are hooked up and manipulated to show better through the concern department ministry and officials. Hence, the academicians and scientists are unable to do their research on the agricultural sector. This circumstances are have been prevailing for the past two decades of our Indian economy. Now the politics is renamed as “politico-business” Purchase of Legislative Individuals to Inward Corruption. This is mainly because of the political parties election strategic process, consumption of time to procuring vote, waste of money spent for political agitation activities for the for and against of the ruling parties of state and central. These are done more than the agricultural cultivation process; waste of time and money for the legal formalities to complete the case on willful defaulters regarding misusing government money; and most of the industries are enrooted under corruptions linked with higher officials and politicians. These are the major hindrances of Indian agricultural export is unable to move further after the 70s to 80s. The present paper will implicate the policy makers to what they need to go for the further updating the right data sources to the outside the world.



Performance, Indian Agriculture Export.


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