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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2019, Volume : 10, Issue : 3
First page : ( 560) Last page : ( 563)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2019.00558.8

Effect of Winter Nutrition with Dietary Supplements on Activities of Honey Bees’ Colonies

Bari Najiha M.1, Hasoon Maryem A.1, Hamza Abbas G.1,*

1Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Al-Mussaib Technical College, Babil, Iraq

*Corresponding Author: Abbas G. Hamza, Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Al-Mussaib Technical College, Babil, Iraq, Email: abbasghaninm1970@yahoo.com

Online published on 20 March, 2019.


The study was conducted in the apiary which belonging to Al-Mussaib Technical College from the period of 2017/12/31 until 21/4/2018 in order to test the attractiveness of bees to three concentrations of sugar solution added to it the lemon and bitter orange. The results of the study showed that the average attractiveness of bees to the sugar solution was different and was dependent on the concentration of additives to the sugar solution. As for the sugar solution that the lemon added to it. The results showed that the highest average of attractiveness amounted of (234.93 bee.day−1), while the highest average of attractiveness amounted of (215.30 bee.day−1), While the percentage of sugar solution added to it the Bitter orange, where the highest percentage at concentration of 15% which amounted of (345.44 bee.day−1), while the lowest percentage for it at the concentration of 5% was amounted (317.444 bee.day−1). As for the relationships between the period and days, it has observed that the highest average of attractiveness was (2.58 bee.day−1) in the morning at 10% concentration, while the average of attractiveness was (2.33 bee.day−1) in the morning at 5% concentration. In the afternoon, the highest average of attractiveness was (15.36 bee.day−1) at a 15% concentration, and the lowest average of attractiveness was (7.58 bee.day−1) at a concentration of 5%. In conclusion, the bees were attracted to both solutions with different densities. Preferring bees for the sugar solution that added to it the lemon with low concentrations compared to the sugar solution added bitter orange to it.



Bee insect, lemon, honey bees, bitter orange.


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