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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2019, Volume : 10, Issue : 3
First page : ( 564) Last page : ( 568)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2019.00559.X

Use Autologous Platelets Rich Plasma in Treatment of Skin Wounds in Rabbits

Albozachri Jassim M.1,*, Alkhalissi Hayder N.1, Mohammed Namir I.1, Jameel Yasser1

1Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Kerbala, Iraq

*Corresponding Author: Jassim M. Albozachri, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Kerbala, Iraq, Email: jassim.khalaf@yahoo.com

Online published on 20 March, 2019.


This experiment was designed to study effect of plasma-rich platelets (PRP) on tissue healing rates of skin lesions in rabbits. Sixteen healthy adult rabbits were used clinically from both sex (weight from 1.1 to 1.9 kg). All animals (4 cm2) were formed in the abdomen. Group (A) was injected with a single-dose PRP dose. While a control (group B) was injected with saline solution injected into the wound position in both groups. On day 3, 7, 14 and 21 posts samples of skin tissue samples were collected to examine the tissue each time two rabbits. The results revealed, clinically, that the wound healing rate was the same in two groups, no differences when the section was taken from the edge of the wounds, and the histological result showed: On the third day of the wound healing group (A) (control group) a demarcation line consisting of polymorph nuclear), The skin was thick at the edges of the cut with the inflammatory cell group (B) (treatment group) inflammatory responses were detected in the lesser frequency range of the control group. On the seventh day of the wound healing group in the skin (A) shows the presence of a few small vessels, and the collagen fibers organized give a tightening force of the tissues, Group B is shown in small vessels, good tensile strength and improved wound healing. On the fourteenth day of the A-group, the density of the blood vessels is noticeable. Group B shows an increased blood vessel density in group A. On the 21st day of the wound healing group (A), there is an increase in blood vessel density and collagen bundle. The wounds of group (B) contain an abundance of fiber and collagen bundles, through the expansion of the rich blood vessels.



Platelets, platelets rich plasma, Rabbits, Skin, wound healing.


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