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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2019, Volume : 10, Issue : 3
First page : ( 569) Last page : ( 573)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2019.00560.6

Effect of Using Prebiotic (Dandelion) and Probiotic (Bacillus subtilis) on Some Physiological and Immunological Traits of Broiler Chicken

Hussain Rafal A.1,*, Jasim Wafaa K.1, Jameel Yasser J.1

1Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Kerbala, Iraq

*Corresponding Author: Rafal A. Hussain Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Kerbala, Iraq Email: rafalvet2@gmail.com

Online published on 20 March, 2019.


This study was aimed to investigate the effect of probiotic (Bacillus subtilis), prebiotic as dandelion plant (Taraxacum Officinale) or combination (synbiotic) on the improvement of cellular and humeral immunity and broiler performance. A total of 320 straight run one-day broiler chicks Ross 308 were distributed randomly to four treatments were design into 4 replicates. Each replicate was subdivided to 20 birds/pen. The control group (CON) fed basal diet without any additives. The dandelion group (DA) fed (10g/kg) dandelion as prebiotic with basal diet. The Bacillus subtilis group (BS) fed (3×105 cfu/kg) (300 ppm) Bacillus subtilis as probiotic with basal diet. Meanwhile, the combination group (DA-BS) fed 10g/kg dandelion and 3×105cfu/kg (300 ppm) Bacillus subtilis with basal diet. Blood samples were collected on days 9, 20, 35 of the study. The groups given (DA-BS), (DA), and (BS) respectively showed lower significance (P≤0.05) of cholesterol, triglycerides TG, LDL, and vLDL, also liver enzymes AST, ALT and ALP compare with the (CON). However, HDL was increase significantly (P≤0.05). The improvement of immune response and broiler performance was showed that CD4, CD8 and CD4/CD8 ratio and IgG titer against Newcastle Disease ND were improve significantly (P≤0.05) in the (DA-BS), (DA), and (BS) groups respectively compare with the (CON). Live body weights (BW), Body weight gain (WG), Feed intake (FI), and Feed conversion ratio (F.C.R.) were improve in the (DA-BS), (DA), and (BS) groups respectively compare with the (CON). In conclusion, adding of the probiotic and the prebiotic as combination (synbiotic) to broiler chicken’ basal diet given the higher immune response by enhancing cellular and humeral immunity. In addition, improving lipid profile, liver enzymes and broiler performance.



Broilers, probiotic, prebiotic, symbiotic, lipid profile, liver enzyme, cellular and humeral immunity.


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