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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2019, Volume : 10, Issue : 7
First page : ( 553) Last page : ( 557)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2019.01629.2

The Impact of Smart Phones on Musculoskeletal Pain on Students in Tikrit University

Ismaeel Firas Tariq*

Department of Orthopedics, College of Medicine, Tikrit University, Salah Aldin, Iraq

*Corresponding Author: Assist Prof. Dr. Firas Tariq Ismaeel, Department of Orthopedics, College of Medicine, Tikrit University, Salah Aldin, Iraq, Email: drnihadkhalawe@gmil.com, firasort@tu.edu.iq

Online published on 19 August, 2019.



A Smartphone is a device which is can be holded by hand with computer capabilities, such as internet connections, information storage, video, e-shops, games, and others. Smart phones due its easily handling has a large impact on everyday life activities.

Patients and Method

Current study was done during period (November 2017 to February 2018).to evaluate the impact of the smart phones on musculoskeletal system among students of Tikrit university, Total 104 samples(68 male and 36 female) randomly chosen in cross sectional study, data collected by using self administered questionnaire.


Of current showed the age of precipitations from (18–26)year. The mean age is 22 ± 4 in study, the age (18–20 years) is (No.= 32; 30.72%), the age (20–22 years) is the most age included in the study (No.= 40; 38.4%), the age (22–24 years) is (No.= 26; 24.96%) and the age (24–26 years) is (No.= 6; 5.76%)also all samples in this study use touch screen smart phone (102 samples), just (2 samples) use keyboard phones, the duration of use of smart phones during day in the study was high percentage 30.74%(No.= 32) For 2–4 hour followed 22.12% (No.= 23) For 4–6 hour, whilst only (15.39 and 12.51) % for More than 8 hour and hour Less than 2 hour respectively. results of current study showed the males prefer lay down position during use mobile (61.74% of male), While female prefer sitting position(55.56% of female), as well as 32.34% (No. = 22) prefer sitting position, whilst 25.02% (No. = 9) of female prefer lay down position, as well as 4.41%(No. = 3) of male prefer standing position during use phone while 1.47% (No. = 1) prefer walking, and 13.89% (No. = 5) of female prefer standing while 5.56% (No. = 2) prefer walking, so the 77.9% (No. = 81) of use social media while 22.1% (No. = 23) not use social media, as well as the Precipitants in study suffer from neck pain (31.54%) as highest percentage, followed by wrist pain (25.38) %, but low percentage (2.31%) for eye pain and joint pain(8.47%).relief pain 38.47% (40 samples) respondents prefer rest and also the same number prefer change position while 7.69% (8 samples) prefer lay down, 1.92% (2 samples) take pain killer. 13.45% (14 samples) of respondent do nothing to relief pain.


findings of this study is the assessment of effect of smart phones on musculoskeletal system. Smart phones cause pain mainly in neck joint, wrist joint, back and muscle spasm. The pain increase by overuse of phones, and relieved by rest or change position.



Smart phones, musculoskeletal pain, students and Tikrit university.


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