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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2019, Volume : 10, Issue : 7
First page : ( 729) Last page : ( 733)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2019.01661.9

The Effect of Exercise Technique Altering with Use Heavyweight Rackets in the Development of Concentration (Sodium, Potassium) in the Blood and Smash Skill for Player's Badminton

Hussein Wissam Salah Abdul1, Hussein Abeer Ali1, Qasim Ebtighaa Mohammed1

1University of Kerbala, The College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Iraq

Online published on 19 August, 2019.


The skill of beating is one of the most important offensive skills in the game of badminton, through which the player can decide the point in his favor, and given the diversity of the use of skills at one point and the speed of the large brush requires us as researchers to find the best technique to develop this skill, so researchers used The method of exercise altering dimensions and trends and different altitudes in addition to the use of different weights and weights of some of them are heavy and some of them are lighter, and researchers try to know this method on the concentration of functional alterings in blood and whether there was a burden and effort on the muscle.

The aim of the research was to prepare a special exercise in the style of the altering exercise and using burdens loaded with badminton. To study the effect of the altering exercise method using the weight-laden binders in the concentration of sodium (potassium) in the blood and to develop the skill of smash of the player's badminton. The search for the altering exercise method in the overloaded bats has a positive effect on the concentration of sodium (potassium) badminton. The researchers used the experimental approach to design a single group with pre and post testing in order to suit the nature of the problem and achieve the research objectives. The sample of the research represented the entire research community and they are players of the province of Babylon for the season 2018–2019 and the number of (4) players, which means researchers used the method of comprehensive inventory of all members of the community.

The most important conclusion was that the altering exercise technique helped to develop the crushing skill of the feather. There was a marked improvement in the concentration of salts of blood (sodium and potassium), but within the natural information in the upper direction due to the use of exercise loads in the experimental group. The most important recommendations are the need to pay attention to the training altering during the educational units because it is best to deal with the skills of badminton, which falls within the open circuit system. And the need to use different and varied exercise technique commensurate with the skills required to perform.



Exercise technique altering, sodium, potassium and blood.


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