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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2019, Volume : 10, Issue : 7
First page : ( 1163) Last page : ( 1168)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2019.01741.8

Genetic Diversity of Anopheles sp as Malaria Vectors Who Carries Plasmodium Falciparum and Plasmodiumvivax Which Can Infect Human in Jayapura Municipal, Papua Province, Indonesia

Sorontou Yohana1,*, Hastuty Henny Sesanti Budi1

1Ministry of Health, Polytechnic of Health Jayapura, Jalan Padang Bulan II, Hedam, District Heram, Jayapura Municipal, Papua Province

*Corresponding Author: Yohanna Sorontou, Ministry of Health Polytechnic of Jayapura, Street of Padang Bulan 2, Hedam, Districk Heram, Jayapura City, Papua, Indonesia, Email: yohanna.sorontou@gmail.com

Online published on 19 August, 2019.


Background. Jayapura municipal are region which are rainfall not erratically down will affect the development larvae of Anopheles mosquito which are can be threat of outbreak still remains due to the high prevalence and abundance on malaria vectors. Aim. The aim of this study to analyze species of Anopheles mosquito and genetic diversity species of Plasmodium which are found into Anopheles sp as malaria vector which are cause malaria in Jayapura Municipal. Methods. This type of research is a descriptive study using a cross sectional design. Adult of mosquito Anopheles were collected from four study sites located in in two district using human landing catch and aspirators. Representative samples of each species which are morphologically confirmed were selected of each locality in generally was found there is higher areas and low areas. Results. A total of 38 samples from Anopheles sp which are found by determination key shown that An. punctulatus as mush as 23(60.5%), An. koliensis 13 (34.2%) and An. farauti 2(5.3%) respectively with Pv < 0.05, and analyze through DNA extracted by PCR product, we did not found DNA bands from P. falciparum and P. vivax. Conclusions. The result of this study shown which are Pv < 0.05, there were significant correlation between located with Anopheles sp. Genetic diversity of Anopheles sp based on PCR product, overall not found DNA bands of P. falciparum and P.vivax because probably Anopheles mosquito species which such the blood of the captured person has not been infected by the both Plasmodium above in Hamadi rawah areas.



Genetic diversity, Anopheles sp, P. falciparum, P. vivax, Malaria.


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