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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2019, Volume : 10, Issue : 9
First page : ( 1274) Last page : ( 1279)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2019.02620.2

Determination of Safe Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) concentration among Street Vendors of Ampera Bus Station, Palembang, indonesia

Sari Rizqy Kartika1, Tualeka Abdul Rohim1,*, Rahmawati Pudji2, Russeng Syamsiar S3, Wahyu Atjo3

1Department of Occupational Health and Safety, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, 60115, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

2Department of Development of Islamic Society, State Islamic University Sunan Ampel, Surabaya, Indonesia

3Department of Occupational Health and Safety, Faculty of Public Health, Hassanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author: Abdul Rohim Tualeka, Department of Occupational Health and Safety, Public Health Faculty, Universitas Airlangga, 60115, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia Phone: +62-31-5920948, Email: abdul-r-t@fkm.unair.ac.id

Online published on 13 November, 2019.


Sulfur dioxide is a corrosive substance harmful to humans. In the form of gas this substance has a pale color, nearly invisible and has a strong odor. Transportation activities in the bus station produces SO2 exhaust gas which is dangerous for street vendors. The purpose of this study was to determine the safe concentration of sulfur dioxide at street vendors at Palembang's Ampera Terminal, Indonesia. This is an observational, cross sectional and descriptive study. The study population was street vendors at Ampera Terminal Palembang, Indonesia. The sampling technique used a total population of 84. Data analysis was conducted manually quantitative to determine the safe concentration (C safe) of sulfur dioxide for workers obtained from the data of experimental white mice (W animals) weight, body surface area of white mice (BSA animals), workers’ body weight (W), workers’ height (h), workers’ body surface area (BSA), workers’ respiratory rate (BR), working time (t), concentration of sulfur dioxide (C), animal km, human km, NOAEL and reference of concentration (RfC).

From data processing, the concentration of sulfur dioxide in Ampera bus station, Palembang was 0.2298 mg/m3 (0.08771 ppm). This value is under (SNI) 19-0232-2005 of 5.2 mg/m3 (1.98 ppm). Based on the manual calculation, the safe limit of sulfur dioxide concentration in Ampera bus station, Palembang is 0.395 ppm. This value exceeds the value set by Permenaker No. 5 of 2018 of 0.25 mg/m3 (0.09542 ppm). From these findings, control from the adverse effects of sulfur dioxide on workers’ health is needed. Control recommendations include routine inspection of vehicle exhaust emissions and improvement efforts to reduce SO2 emission levels to reduce health risks. In addition, health consultation facilities need to be provided for street vendor workers in Ampera Palembang



Sulfur dioxide, bus station, safe concentration, street vendor.


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