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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2019, Volume : 10, Issue : 9
First page : ( 1767) Last page : ( 1771)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2019.02708.6

Analysis of Clinical Pathway Implementation on Pneumonia Case in PMI Bogor Hospital

Elsa Musliyah Syahrawani1,*, Nurwahyuni Atik1

1Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia, Depok, Jawa Barat, Jakarta

*Coressponding Author, Musliyah Syahrawani Elsa, Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia, Depok, Jawa Barat, Jakarta, e-mail Address: musliyah.syahrawani@ui.ac.id

Online published on 13 November, 2019.



Pneumonia is the largest infectious disease that contributes to the world child mortality. Around 16% from the death of under five-year-old child is caused by pneumonia. Since the era of universal coverage, the hospital is required to maintain quality control and costs in the form of clinical pathway. Furthermore, Clinical Pathway is one of the requirements that must be met in the hospital's accreditation standards. The aims of this study were to evaluate the implementation of clinical pathway for pneumonia patients during the inpatient charge that consisted of length of stay, doctor visit, laboratory tests, medication, clinical practice and variation.


Retrospective study was conducted on 73 pneumonia patients. The data and information were obtained from medical records and hospital information systems. In addition, the source of data was from the patient's recapitulation which obtained from medical record by the medical report unit in hospital that consists of patient's characteristic, length of stay, consultation, the laboratory test and radiology test.


At first there were 73 pneumonia patients in six months, but there were only 5 patients that met the inclusive criteria. Sample's characteristics consisted of 3 males (60%) and 2 female (40%) with the age of under five years old and the elderly. The length of stay was shorter with an average of 4.6 days (maximum 11 days and a minimum 1 days), compared with the length of stay of the clinical pathway (around six until seven days). The average of doctor's visit regarding the clinical practice was about 1.4 times to the patient.


From six pneumonia clinical pathway indicators, there were 2 indicators that produced variances from the hospital practice which consist of laboratory tests and medication. These variances would contribute to the hospital's expenses.



Clinical Pathway, Pneumonia, Variance Analysis.


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