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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2018, Volume : 9, Issue : 10
First page : ( 429) Last page : ( 434)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2018.01382.7

Food stalls ownership and its contribution on body mass index and the risk of cardiovascular disease in cooker profession

Medyati Novita1, Amiruddin Ridwan2, Russeng Syamsiar3, Rahman Stang Abdul4

1Doctoral Program, Epidemiology, Hasanuddin University

2Professor in Epidemiology, Hasanuddin University

3Lecturer in Occupational Health, Hasanuddin University

4Lecturer in Biostatistics, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University

Online published on 1 November, 2018.


The importance of identifying cardiovascular disease risk factors can provide a major contribution to the prevention strategy for cardiovascular disease. This study was aimed to identify the prevalence of cardiovascular risk associated with the Body Mass Index and the ownership of food stalls. This study was a cross sectional study. A total 80 cookers as samples were determined by purposive sampling. Determination of cardiovascular disease risk using the Cardiovascular Jakarta Score, which is associated with food stalls ownership and body mass index. Data collection were conducted by health workers using questionnaires, measuring body weight and height. Data processing using SPSS version 20 for Windows, and analysis using Chi Square test with alternative Mann-Whitney test, at 95% CI and significant level ρ<0.05. The result of this study, as many as 52.5% of cookers are at high risk of cardiovascular disease. There was a significant relationship between the ownership of food stalls and the risk of cardiovascular disease. There was a tendency for cookers with abnormal Body Mass Index to experience a risk of cardiovascular disease. In conclusion, the ownership of food stalls contributes to an increase in body mass index and risk of cardiovascular disease for cooker in food stalls. Providing knowledge with mentoring methods is needed to control the risk of cardiovascular disease in cooker as informal sector workers.



Cardiovascular disease, Body mass index, Ownership of food stalls.


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