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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2018, Volume : 9, Issue : 10
First page : ( 477) Last page : ( 481)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2018.01390.6

Incidence of Cleft lip and Palate in Karbala Province

Kadhim Ebtisam A*

Department of Dentistry(Orthodontics), Ibn Hyyan University College, Karbala City, Iraq

*Corresponding author: Dr. Ebtisam A. Kadhim Department of Orthodontics, Department of Dentistry, Ibn Hyyan Medical University, Karbala city, Iraq Tel: +9647830155750 E-mail: dr-ad-alassal@yahoo.com

Online published on 1 November, 2018.



Cleft palate and/or cleft lip (CP/CL) are the most common congenital anomalies in the maxillofacial and oral region. This study was conducted to obtain the accurate estimates of the frequency and other epidemiological features of oral clefts in Karbala province.

Materials and Method

In this cross-sectional study that conducted at Maxillofacial Unit, Karbala Teaching Hospital as the main hospital in Karbala city from the period of January 2015 till March 2018. 7321 cases were randomly selected by using a simple random method from hospital documented files of infants. Clinical and demographic factors relating to diagnosed cases, including Birth order Prevalence, Baby weight prevalence and Prevalence of Family history as other congenital anomalies were recorded for analysis.


The incidence rate of CL/P in Karbala province was 1.77 per 1, 000 live births. 53.8, and 46.2 were the percentage of bilateral and unilateral cleft cases respectively. Oral clefts were found to be more common in male than female births (male/female ratio=6/4). The first child incidence rate (41.67) was the highest from the birth order prevalence in comparing with others birth prevalence. Regarding weight prevalence as the important parameter in cleft lip/palate prevalence children with the underweight were the highest in cleft lip/plate prevalence.


In conclusion, this study and other studies show that the incidence of cleft deformities in different populations depend on genetic factors, ethnicity and environmental conditions these causes have important roles in frequently conflicting results. So integrating genetic analysis into epidemiologic studies and environmental pollution as a predisposing factor for CL/P incidence will be necessary for future studies.



Cleft lip, Cleft palate, Epidemiology, Incidence, Karbala Province, Iraq.


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