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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2018, Volume : 9, Issue : 10
First page : ( 826) Last page : ( 831)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2018.01242.1

Sequelae of recurrent impact with radiofrequency in mice

Al-Uboody Wissam Sajid Hashim1, Waad Shaima Khazaal2, Abbas Madlen Qassm3

1Department of Physiology and Medical Physics. Almuthanna University, College of Medicine, Iraq

2Department of Histology and Anatomy. Almuthanna University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Iraq

3Department of Physiology. Tikrit University, College of Dentistry, Iraq

Online published on 1 November, 2018.


This study aimed to point out the probable sequelae when the mice are being exposed to radiofrequency (RF). As a protocol for this study, used thirty two male mice that were allocated into two equal groups of sixteen males to each randomly. The comprised parameters of the study were reproductive and histological aspects. The male mice of the exposure group were exposed to RF of 900 MHz for five hours daily. This experimental regime was followed for 45 days. The results revealed that exposure to RF caused a significant increase in dead sperms, abnormal sperms and significant decrease in sperms count, individual and massive movement, and alive sperms of the exposed group as compared with those of the control group. It was also seen that final body weights of control group increased significantly throughout the experimental period, compared with initial body weight, while exposed group registered significant decrease in final body weight compared with initial body weight at (P≤0.05). For the histopathological changes, it was obvious that the RF caused a variety of damages to the hepatic and splenic tissues like infiltration of inflammatory cells, cellular swelling, hemorrhage, pyknosis and dilation of central hepatic vein. Necrosis, sloughing of capsule, white pulp hemorrhage, and presence of megakaryocytes were the dominants effects on spleen.



radiofrequency, reproduction, liver, spleen, mice.


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