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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2018, Volume : 9, Issue : 12
First page : ( 1395) Last page : ( 1398)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2018.02048.X

Developing and Validating Low Cost Male Catheterization Mannequin as Learning Media in Clinical Skills Learning

Demak Indah Puspasari Kiay1,*, Sari Puspita1, Tanra Andi Alfa Muthmainah1, Sumarni2, Demak Reyhan Kiay2, Mallongi Anwar2

1Medical Education Unit Medical Faculty Tadulako University

2Public Health Department Medical Faculty Tadulako University

3Mechanical Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering, Tadulako University

4Department of environmental Health, Public Health Faculty Hasanuddin University

*Corresponding author: email: sashkata@yahoo.com

Online published on 2 February, 2019.



In medical faculty, clinical skills learning has been taught since the early years. Methods in clinical skills learning need media as mannequin and standardized simulated patient. The price of mannequins is expensive and its maintenance and the availability of spare parts are diffcult because of product import. Therefore, research and development of low cost and easily maintenance mannequin are needed to solve the problems.


To develop and validate low cost male catheterization mannequin as learning media in clinical learning.


This was a research and development study. The research start with designing, making, then validating the mannequin. There are 18 validators who are anatomist, urologist, surgeon, internist, medical educator, and general physicians.


There are 3 parts of the designed male catheterization mannequin, which are outer body part, penis part, and inner structure. The anatomy of the mannequin is alike with human body. It has light weight and portable. Another advantages are easier maintenance and cheaper than standardized mannequin. Although there is smooth leak in the urethral valve.


Mannequin produced from this research is alow cost and high technology product that can be use as learning media in clinical skills learning.



Male catheterization mannequin, low cost, clinical skills, learning media.


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