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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2018, Volume : 9, Issue : 12
First page : ( 1534) Last page : ( 1538)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2018.02073.9

School Children's Vehicles Tracking and Identifying System by using GPS and IoT Technology

Rahman A. Abdul1, Sujata B.1, Peter A. Vandana2, Patnaik Radha Mohan2, Durga M.V.N. Lakshmi2

1Associate Professor, Department of CSE, Godavari Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajahmundry, A.P, India

2Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Godavari Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajahmundry, A.P, India

Online published on 2 February, 2019.


The principal goal is the child safety by utilizing GPS and IOT technique to track and identify those children's vehicle. A profcient vehicle tracking system is implemented and designed for tracing the motion of any provided vehicle from any place. The suggested framework is benefcial of well-known technology, which combines a smart mobile phone application with a microcontroller. When compared to others, this is simple to make and low-cost. The design in vehicle gadget works utilizing a GPS and GSM, which is a very most familiar way for vehicle-tracing. In real-time, embedded is in the vehicle whose location may be described and tracked. A MC is utilized to control the GPS and GPRS modules. Google maps API for ios may be utilized to show a vehicle area on a smart mobile application in utilizing an HTTP-request in real-time. The API naturally controls access to the Google Maps servers, displays map, and reply to client movements, for example, drags and clicks. Suppose a human in the vehicle has extreme alcohol then alcohol identifcation will be carried out towards the sensor then MC provides an elevated pulse to the buzzer and buzzer-circuit will be turned on and at the similar time transfer will be turned off. Because of this ignition of the vehicle is destroyed.



Microcontroller, GPS module, sensors, Keil software.


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