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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2018, Volume : 9, Issue : 12
First page : ( 1849) Last page : ( 1855)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2018.02259.3

Erosion Prediction and Soil Conservation Planning in Krueng Seulimum Watershed Aceh Province, Indonesia

Akbar H1, Murtilaksono K2, Sinukaban N2, Arsyad S2

1Agroecotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Malikussaleh

2Department of Soil and Land Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University

Online published on 2 February, 2019.


The conversion of forests into agricultural land and the application of agrortechnology on land without considering the capability and suitability of land will result breakdowns on Krueng Seulimum Watershed. This will obviously lead to high attrition, low land productivity in the upstream, sedimentation, and high fuctuation in the downstream. This study is aimed to: 1) predict the amount of erosion on every watershed land unit in Krueng Seulimum Watershed and 2) determine the appropriate agro technology (soil and water conservation techniques) for cocoa farms to suppress erosion (erosion < ETol). The method used in this study is a survey method with the following steps: 1) the preparation phase, 2) a preliminary survey, 3) a primary survey and 4) data analyses and result presentation. The prediction of was performed on each land unit (LU) and the cocoa rbased farming systems (Cocoa, Cocoa + Areca nut, and Cocoa + Banana) using USLE. The results show that the greatest erosion prediction occurred on the shrub and dry land farming use. The predictive erosion values of the land use for shrub, dry land agriculture, grazing and secondary forest ranged from 30.71 r 292.98 tons har1 yearr1 (ETol 31.50 r 40.96 tons har1 yearr1), 27.60 r 118.19 tons har1 yearr1 (ETol 39.11r40.96 tons har1 yearr1), 9.92 tons har1 yearr1 r 62.98 tons har1 yearr1 (ETol 22.16 r 24.20 tons har1 yearr1), and 1.31 r 6.94 tons har1 yearr1 (ETol 23.98 r 29.28 tons har1 yearr1), respectively. The agro technologies for soil and water conservation that should be implemented on agricultural dry land (cocoa, cocoa + areca nut, and cocoa + banana) are the provision of a complete fertilizer (7% slope), bunds terracing + grass planting to amplify the terrace (14% slope) and bund terracing + grass planting to amplify the terrace + mulching 6 tons har1 (21% slope). The forest land use is recommended to remain as forest, while the shrub land use is recommended for cocoa farming.



Erosion, land use, watershed, agro-technology.


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