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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2018, Volume : 9, Issue : 12
First page : ( 1985) Last page : ( 1889)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2018.02265.9

An Analysis of Culture Value in Adat Bak Poe Teumeureuhom, Hukom Bak Syiah Kuala, qanun Bak Putro Phang, Reusam Bak Binatara

Khalsiah1, Candrasari R1, Fadhillah N1, Praza R1, Desiariawati N1

1Lecturer, Universitas Malikussaleh, Indonesia

Online published on 2 February, 2019.


The cultural unity is in the language, religion and customs of Aceh. Acehnese communicate using Acehnese language, there also containing the meaning of proverb which has cultural value. Nariet Maja is a word or proverb in Acehnese life. Hadih maja contains a philosophical element which is used as advice or explanation and warning as a guide in life. In this study the researcer would like to analyze cultural value in Hadih maja. The majority of Aceh's tribe is Muslim. The study is conducted to fnd out two objectives to poin out the system of community life in Aceh based on customary and religious law and to analyze the cultural value of Aceh Community. The signifcance of this research is expected the culture value in hadih maja is clear; for example it can pointed out hadih maja "Adat Bak Poe Teumeureuhon" is meaningful. This study will focus on analyzing of cultural value in hadih maja" adat bak po teumeureuhon, hukom bak syiahkuala, qanun bak putoe phang, reusam bak bintara" through cultural view in Aceh. The technique of data collection used in this study was document review. It states that document review is of collecting data by reviewing existing documents". The result show that Acehnese Adat is closely related to religion as the customary law comes from the Shari'a and Shari'ah from the books of Allah. Experience of Islamic law will be smoother, if the custom and the role of indigenous institutions are improved. The community as a unity of human life interacts and behaves to obey a system of certain customs that are continuous, where every member of the community acts and behaves according to what has been outlined and set forth in the system of values and norms owned by society.



Islamic law, Religion, Aceh Community.


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