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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2018, Volume : 9, Issue : 12
First page : ( 2006) Last page : ( 2010)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2018.02158.7

The Nursing Image of College Students

Lee Jeong In1, Im Mi Lim2,*

1Professor, Department of Nursing Science, Daejeon Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea

2Professor, Department of Nursing Science, Baekseok University, Cheonan, Korea

*Corresponding Author: Mi Lim Im, Professor, Department of Nursing Science, Baekseok University, Cheonan, Korea. Email: nug21c@bu.ac.kr

Online published on 2 February, 2019.


This study is a descriptive research conducted to investigate the degree of influence of several influencing factors on the image of the nurse among college students.

This study is a descriptive research to investigate the degree of influence of influencing factors on the image of the nurse among college students.

The subjects of this study were a total of 551 college students living in metropolitan areas, and they were selected by convenience sampling. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS/PC program. The significance level α of the statistical test was set at.05 and a two-sided test was performed.

The mean score for the image of the nurse of subjects was 3.70 points on a 5-point scale. The score for the image of the nurse according to the general characteristics of subjects was higher in college students with religion, in first-year students than second-year or third-year students, in third-year students than second-year students, and in nursing students than those majoring in other fields. As a result of the stepwise regression analysis to identify the factors influencing the image of the nurse of subjects, the school year, school system, and media affecting the image were identified as the variables which have a statistically significant effect on the image of the nurse perceived by the subjects.

This study is a descriptive research to investigate the degree of influence on the image of nursing among college students. The mean score for the nurse image of the subjects was slightly lower than that of nursing students. In order for nursing to be properly recognized as a profession, an active and systematic nursing strategy is needed to build a positive image of the nurse among the subjects.



Nursing Image, The Image of the Nurse, Self-Esteem, Factors Affecting the Image, General Characteristics.


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