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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2018, Volume : 9, Issue : 12
First page : ( 2175) Last page : ( 2179)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2018.02187.3

On the Relationship between College Students’ Personality Types and their Ego-Resilience & Self-Efficacy-Based on the MBTI Personality Assessment

Han Mi-Hee

Dept. of General Education, Namseoul University, 91 Daehak-roseonghwan-eup Sebuk-gu Cheonansi, Chungcheonnam-do Seoul Korea

Online published on 2 February, 2019.


Many college students try to grow and change with the help of understanding themselves based on personality tests. The present study aims to examine how their personality types influence their ego-resilience and self-efficacy. The concept of ego-resilience might involve one's effort to control one's emotions, how difficult one's situation might be, and adapt oneself. Self-efficacy, in turn, basically refers to an individual's belief in himself or herself. For that purpose, a group of 218 sophomore and junior students at D University located in Gyeongbuk Province and N University in Cheonan participated in the study. The analysis methods include the program of SPSS 19.0, a frequency test, independent sample t-test, a correlation analysis and a regression analysis. It was found that a significant difference existed between the two types of personality in terms of their ego-resilience and self-efficacy. A similarly significant difference was also found between a set of subfactors of ego-resilience and self-efficacy. A variety of educational programs taking these into consideration might be necessary to help college students develop themselves. In other words, customized distinctive training for a particular type is expected to be effective in producing talented manpower at college.



Ego-resilience, MBTI test, personality, introversion, extroversion, self-efficacy.


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