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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2018, Volume : 9, Issue : 12
First page : ( 2558) Last page : ( 2561)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2018.02099.5

Landscape and Psychological Well-being: Manori! The Magical Island, A Study on Anita Desai's Where Shall We Go this Summer?

Patchainayagi S.1, Vijayalakshmi V.1

1Assistant Professor, Division of Social Sciences and Languages, VIT Chennai

Online published on 2 February, 2019.


Sita the middle-aged wife and mother of five children, the protagonist of Where shall We Go This Summer? is pregnant for the fifth time and desirous of an immaculate conception in the reverse, the child not to be born. Sita is so eccentric that she cannot put herself up with the mundane happenings of the modern city, Bombay. Raman, her husband, is a business man and could never understand her way of living. Thinking of the Immaculate Conception she moves to Manori, the magical island where she had her glorious past. Sita's father after independence settles down in Manori and becomes the beloved ‘Babaji’ of the village by practicing Gandhian principles. People believe that he has a magical power and regarded him with high respect. Like the villagers, Sita also believes that her father possesses magical powers. Now she wants to try with the powers, it might help her in stopping the child from being born. Sita's characterisation presents the individual preferences of a lady who suffocates and struggles frantically against mundane realities of life. Her commotion fills to the brim when she is pregnant for the fifth time and to everybody's astonishment and dismay she decides to go Manori the island. The paper tries to answer the question will the root give her a route?



Psychological well-being, Prenatal Neurosis, Landscape, Island studies.


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