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International Journal of Research in Social Sciences
Year : 2011, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 188) Last page : ( 201)
Online ISSN : 2249-2496.

The Smoked India

Ms. Mohanty Sangeeta, Professor, Ms. Sikaria Chitra, Faculty Member

Academy of Business Administration, Industrial Estate (S1/25) Angaragadia, Balasore, Orissa

Online published on 26 September, 2013.


Various research reports claim India to be on the brink of economic revolution ignoring the fact the majority of India's population is in the clutches of smoke form tobacco like beedi and cigarette. This addiction is paralyzing today's youth who have to carry forward the nation making the dream of a developed country a distant dream.

The focus for the production and consumption of tobacco has shifted to the developing countries, like India. This tobacco, though a source of revenue in millions for the government, bears the responsibility of spreading dangerous diseases like cancer, heart stroke, blood pressure, poor immune system etc. In today's fast moving stressful life, most resort to quick and harmful substitutes to relieve themselves temporarily leading to addictions. Many get addicted following the crowd in an attempt to be fashionable and portray a cool image in the society.

The purpose of the present paper is to provide a more comprehensive statistical analysis of tobacco usage in smoke form and the factors affecting this.



Tobacco, Smoke, Youth, Beedi, Cigarette.


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