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International Journal of Research in Social Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 10
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 12)
Online ISSN : 2249-2496.

Genetically modified organisms: a solution to food security and environment

Khan Furqan, Hasan Asim

Online published on 19 November, 2016.


The concern of food security and environment sustainability is having high priority due to huge population and alarming prices of commodity world-wide. International organisations are trying hard to find ways to remove hunger, poverty, and health issues. The per capita availability of food remains stagnant as the world's population is increasing, and any attempt to decrease poverty is further increasing demand for food. By 2050 world population will reach up to 9.5 billion but world seems inefficient to feed them. Generally, Asian and African agriculture is a gamble of monsoon which is highly erratic. Further, farmers are using different types of pesticides, insecticides and fertilizer etc. to increase production which are directly and indirectly influence the food quality and environmental sustainability. The goal of the paper is to show an alternative arrangement that the GMOs have potential to offer nutritious food as well maintain the environmental sustainability through analysing the present data of countries which adopted GMOs technique. In the 21st century Biotechnology has applied as one of the eco-friendly-technology. Many developed countries have opted to incorporate the technology to improve their productivity. One such way to meet the demand is by using Genetically Modified food (GM food). GM foods are produced from organisms that have had specific changes introduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic engineering. The paper attempts to suggest that scientists, policymakers, experts and farmers should collaborate to find new and creative ways to increase food production to arrange the growing demand of food in a sustainable way. The growing constraints of land and water availability, technological inventions could use for providing more sustainable and nutritious alternative for the coming generations.



GM Technology, Population, Food security, Environment.


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