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International Journal of Research in Social Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 10
First page : ( 505) Last page : ( 514)
Online ISSN : 2249-2496.

Development at the cost of uprooting people - An Indian scenario

Kuruvilla Chithra*, Dr. Sathyamurthi K.**

*Research Scholar (UGC-JRF), Madras School of Social Work, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

**Asst. Professor & Head PhD Programme, MSSW, Chennai

Online published on 19 November, 2016.


Development is an unavoidable phenomenon from the time of human civilization, but when it turns to hurt the life, living and sentiments of a larger mass, it becomes a serious concern. India is a developing country and hence the development initiatives should be a part and parcel of its progress. The uprooting of people to new unknown places did result in socio-economic and cultural disruption to the people and has disturbed the social network of local communities. Rehabilitation schemes, may have addressed some of the material losses experienced by displaced people, but the loss of their social status, community ties and support structures are unattended. The nation should be drafting its policies based on the guidelines of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in favor of those displaced. A monitoring commission must be established for ensuring that their rights are protected and justice ensured to them. This discussion paper considers aspects such as intensity of involuntary displacement, displacement and its effects on people, rehabilitation and resettlement policies, and brief mention on some affected regions in the name of development. The article also suggests about the recommendations on what could be done inorder to enjoy the merits of development without anyone being affected adversely.



Displacement, Rehabilitation and Resettlement policies, IDP.


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