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International Journal of Research in Social Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 10
First page : ( 648) Last page : ( 659)
Online ISSN : 2249-2496.

A case study on work place violence against women in Tiruchirappalli district, Tamil Nadu

Valli Kumutha

Online published on 19 November, 2016.


Violence is actually not an accepted practice of doing. It‘s a kind of forcing without respecting the interest and right of women. Everywhere it is happening and it is common in work places. Some sectors are framing some immoral behaviours and its acceptance by the workers is as the common code of ethic for getting any kind of work related improvements like promotion, transfer and for easy process of everything needed. Generally women are facing many kind of stress at different levels. Violence against them is one lead them to the extreme level of stress. Violence against women are in many situations and many categories. They are the murders of women like dowry deaths, honour killing, witchcraft murders, female infanticide and female feticides etc., under sexual crimes there are marital rape, individual rape, gang rape, child rape, insult to modesty, human trafficking and forced prostitution, domestic violence, forced and child marriage, acid throwing, abductions and the related brutalities. Violence‘s occurs not only for women, it may also happen for children (both male and female) and men at any age. From the inception of human beings in the world there are different stages of violence‘s against women like lack of outside knowledge about the world, lack of decision making power, lack of education and employment etc., every where the women are fighting for their rights. Even today women are not equally given seats in all the government and private employments. Still the women reservation bill is under pending that is too for 33%. The Rajya Sabha had passed this reservation bill on 09.03. 2010. But yet now the Lok Sabha has not voted on the bill. If it is approved here then it will be passed in state legislatures and then permitted by presidents of India. As per the constitution all are having equal rights and to be treated equally in front of law. But the real practices are different. This paper looks in to workplace violence‘s of women and the related issues in detail by presenting a case study. It tries to find out the various causes and consequences of Workplace Violence in Tiruchirappalli District, Tamil Nadu.



Workplace, Women, Violence.


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