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International Journal of Research in Social Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 10
First page : ( 927) Last page : ( 951)
Online ISSN : 2249-2496.

The role of commercial banks in establishing the principles of social responsibility (A case study of Jordon Arab Bank, 2015)

Mukhtar Elfatih Mohamed Osman

Department of Economics and Finance, College of Business and Economics, Qassim University, KSA

Online published on 19 November, 2016.


This research addressed the issues of Commercial Banks and their roles in incorporating and establishing Social Responsibility (SR) (a case study of Jordan's Arab Bank as a Commercial Bank). It elucidated the concept of the commercial bank, its functions and features as well as explaining the concept of social responsibilities and its significance for the community. It investigated and evaluated the social contributions of Jordan's Arab Bank (JAB) during the year 2015. The main affirmative result of this research showed that there is a positive correlation between the social response, and economic and financial performance of commercial banks. This assures that establishing commercial banks boost (SR) and improve the performance of the bank, financially, economically, and socially. The findings of this study indicated that the AJB paid a considerable attention to consolidating the foundations of the (SR) in the Jordanian community by offering many necessary and vital services such as health and education services, the preservation of environment, fight against poverty and orphans support. These services qualified JAB to win Jordanian agents and community's trust. Finally, the services contributed to JAB expansion and development, together with obtaining the best award for the program of (SR) in 2015 from the EMEA finance magazine.



Commercial Banks, social responsibilities, Jordon's Arab Bank.


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