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International Journal of Research in Social Sciences
Year : 2019, Volume : 9, Issue : 7
First page : ( 685) Last page : ( 696)
Online ISSN : 2249-2496.

Impact of work pressure on psychological aspect of working women in teaching profession

Smt. Vijayalakshmi N.1, Dr. Swamy A.M. Narayana2

1Assistant Professor of Sociology, Govt. First Grade College, Madhugiri, Tumkur Dist-Karnataka state

2Lecturer of Sociology, Govt. First Grade College, Madhugiri, Tumkur Dist-Karnataka state

Online published on 7 October, 2019.


The aim of this study is to compare psychological well-being and job stress and teachers. Having a good job in addition to financing and improving the living standards also can have a positive effect on physical and mental health of people. Job regardless of financing can provide some of the basic needs of man such as mental and bodily movement, social contact, feelings self-valuable, confidence and abilities. However, it can also be a major source of stress and be a satisfactory job may become a source of discontent over time. Women face different workplace health challenges than men. Social, economic, and cultural factors also put women at risk for injury and illness. When family and work demands collide, the resulting stress can lead to physical health problems such as poor appetite, lack of sleep, increase in blood pressure, fatigue, and increased susceptibility to infection. It can also result in mental health problems such as burnout and depression. Balancing work and family tasks can put additional stress on women. Gender discrimination in the workplace can affect a woman's physical and mental health. Sexual harassment can lead to Anxiety, alienation, headaches, insomnia, lower self-esteem depression. I. Introduction, II. Objective, III. Review of literature, IV. Methodology V. Gender discriminations hampering work concentration, VI. Sexual harassment affecting family relationships, VII. Academic achievements and stress management challenges, VIII. Psychological impact as a main drawback affects on learning process. IX. Role of women cell in recommendations and solutions, X. Conclusions.

Teachers have a right to protection from violence in their workplace. They are not required to tolerate behavior which threatens their safety and well-being. Harassment can be based on the grounds set out in the Human Rights Code, or it can be a form of psychological or personal harassment apart from the Human Rights Code. Often, bullying and harassment are manifestations of abuse of power. Although increasing numbers of women have entered academia, their academic status has been slow to improve. Women remain disproportionately represented within instructor, lecturer, and unranked positions. Pregnancy, childbirth, and child rearing are also age-related, and most commonly occur during the same years that college faculty is seeking tenure in their jobs. The conflict between work and family obligations that many faculty members experience is more acute for women faculty than for men. Giving birth and raising children are distinctive events.

Work-life balance is a very important factor which influences the quality of our life.

Without such a balance a human being will feel a slave of her work and duties and will soon lose the will for and interest for life. We can't debate on the fact that work life balance is very essential and important for a stress free and fulfilling life, especially for a woman. Juggling between the burden, obligations and responsibilities of work and multiple family roles, balancing becomes very difficult and uphill and an ongoing task for teaching professionals, as much as, if not more as any other working woman.



Social factors, economic factors, Workplace health challenges, and Cultural factors, Physical health problems, Gender discrimination, Physical and mental health, Work and multiple family roles, quality life.


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