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The Indian Journal of Veterinary Research
Year 2006, Volume-15, Issue-1 (January–June)
Print ISSN : 0972-5814

Table of contents

Epidemiological pattern of various skin disorders in dogs
Suresh Kumar, R. Khurana, N.K. Rakha, R.S. Khokhar

Allelic frequency of κ-casein and β-lactoglobulin in Jersey cattle
Savita Shetty, R.K. Patel, K.J. Soni, K.M. Singh, J.B. Chauhan

Haemodynamic effects of atropine-diazepam-thiopentone anaesthesia in bufffalo calves
Sukhveer Singh, Ashok Kumar, Jit Singh, Sukhbir Singh, P.K. Peshin

Evaluation of Acepromazine, Detomidine and Diazepam as Sedatives in Buffalo Calves (Bubalus bubalis)
Ashok Kumar, Jit Singh, P.K. Peshin, Sukhbir Singh

Ipomeamarone induced hepatotoxicity in rats: A pathological evaluation
Govind Pandey, D.N. Srivastava, A.B. Shrivastav, Madhuri Sharma

Clinical evaluation of meloxicam, roficoxib and their combination with serratiopeptid ase during long term administration in dogs
K.W. Nasare, Archana Jain, K.S. Misraulia

Effect of atoxic higher dose of different acaricides on temperature, pulse and respiration rate of tick infested dogs
Pankaj Kumar, S.R.P. Sinha, Sucheta Sinha, Lalan Kumar, C. Jayachandran


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