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Year 2022, Volume-23, Issue-1 (January-June)
Print ISSN : 0972-1738
Online ISSN : 2249-8796

Table of contents RSS Feed

The vanishing heritage
Dr. Nitin Bhatia


Local anesthetics in veterinary practice -A review
Mohmmad Abrar Gayas, Mujeeb ur Rehman Fazili, Nida Handoo, Raja Aijaz, Hakim Athar

Azolla pinnata -A unconventional ruminant feed
Vachaspati Narayan, Mahender Miland, Kritika Gahlot


Effect of Anionic Transition Management on Health and Reproductive Status in Advanced Pregnant Mehsana buffaloes
T.V. Sutaria, R.K. Chaudhari, D.K. Parmar, R.D. Joshi

Therapeutic evaluation of glucogenic precursors in sub-clinical Ketosis in buffaloes
Surender Parankusham, Padmaja Katta, Ambica Gadige

Therapeutic management of post-parturient hemoglobinuria in a Buffalo
G. Senthil Kumar, T. Arul Kumar, R. Ezakial Napolean

Comparative evaluation of ovsynch and heat synch protocols in post-partum anoestrus cows
Dinesh Mahto

Vaginoscopy and ultrasonography for diagnosing endometritis and its therapeutic management in repeat breeder cows
Pawan Kumar Sunia, J.S. Mehta, G.N. Purohit

Clinical management of acute puerperal metritis in buffaloes
K.P. Singh, R.V. Singh, Praneeta Singh, R.A. Siddique, S.K. Singh

Per-vaginal correction and management of dystocia in a crossbred cow
A.B. Mali, S.S. Mali, M.H. Pitroda

Surgical management of dystocia due to second degree burn in a primiparous cow
S.A. Jadhav, Chaitrali A. Avhad, S.S. Raut

Management of foetal maceration in crossbred cows
M.M. Chaudhary, V.B. Atara, D.K. Patel

Management of post-partum uterine prolapse in a buffalo
K.P. Singh, R.V. Singh, Praneeta Singh

Therapeutic management of udder edema in a jersey cow
M.P. Sakhare, M.F.M.F. Siddiqui, T.A. Shafi, G.D. Sachin, S.S. Lingayat

Surgical management of choke in a bull and a cow
K. Jagan Mohan Reddy, N. Sumiran

Surgical management of ventral abdominal hernia in bovines
Satyaveer Singh, Satveer Kumar, Narendra Singh, Sakar Palecha, P. Bishnoi

Surgical management of evisceration due to horn gore injury in a buffalo calf
Pipelu Wahengbam, C.R. Swapna, Rekha Pathak

Surgical management of knuckling in a calf
M.M. Chaudhary, J.M. Balwani, V.B. Atara

Surgical management of dog bite wound in a calf
M.O. Kalim, S.K. Tiwari, Mrunali Kamble

Diagnosis and management of nasal schistosomiasis in a crossbred cow
D. Divyalakshmi, B. Rubini Bala, N. Kumaravelu

Acute babesiosis and naval ill in a calf
Anu P. Joseph, Resmi K. Vasu, B. Bibin Becha

Winter coccidiosis in a cow calf
Vijesh Kumar Saini, Nitin Kumar, Ravendra Singh

Diagnosis and management of dermatophytosis in bovine calves
Madhu Suman, Devesh Thakur, Rakesh Thakur, Surender Bansal, Anurag Sharma

Diagnosis and surgical management of horn cancer in bovine
Sanjay Purohit, Raveendra Tadagani, Chetan Sharma, R.P. Pandey, Pulli Vishnu Vardhan Reddy

Diagnosis and management of vaginal angiofibroma in a pregnant murrah buffalo
M.R. Hadimani, R.V. Suryawanshi, A.B. Mali


Vomiting in dogs - A review
S.K. Dixit, Pankaj Kumar Patel, Supriya Yadav, Sawita Kumari Patel, Naveen Verma

Hemato-biochemical evaluation of heart failure in canines
T. Sathyabama, G. Vijayakumar, G.A. Balasubramaniam, P. Selvaraj

Surgical management of strangulated foreign body of mandible jaw in dogs
M. Shiju Simon, A. Arun Prasad

Removal of thoracic esophageal foreign body obstruction through gastrotomy
V. Mahesh, S.J. Prerana, B.N. Nagaraja

Surgical removal of ingested sewing needle in a labrador dog
S.K. Tiwari, M.O. Kalim, Deepak Kumar Kashyap

Computed radiographic diagnosis and management of non metallic enteric foreign body in a dog
S.K. Jhirwal, S. Gharu, P. Bishnoi, T.K. Gahlot

Surgical management of perineal hernia in dogs -Report of seven cases
Raveendra Tadagani, Chetan Sharma, Prabha Sharma, S. Purohit, R.P. Pandey

Diagnosis and management of vaginal fold hyperplasia -Prolapse syndrome in bitches
T.V. Sutaria, R.K. Chaudhari, Prajwalita Sutaria, C.F. Chaudhari, H.C. Nakhashi

Trans-vaginal insemination in a she dog
A.B. Mali, R.M. Mehar, S.H. Kapane

Surgical management of closed pyometra in a female spitz
Mrunali Kamble, Shailendra Kumar Tiwari, M.O. Kalim

Diagnosis and emergency management of uterine torsion in a mudhol dog
Malati Naik, Santosh Sarangmath

Therapeutic management of concomitant pyometra and babesiosis in a bitch
R. Aishwarya, C.P. Abdul Azeez, Joju Johns, P. Arun

Ultrasonographic findings in Chronic Kidney Diseases (CKD) Affected Dogs with Hypertension
S. Nethaji, M. Chandrasekar, M. Balagangatharathilagar

Hemato-biochemical evaluation of chronic kidney disease (CKD) affected dogs under anti-hypertensive medication
S. Nethaji, M. Chandrasekar, M. Balagangatharathilagar

Evaluating low level laser therapy for fracture healing in dogs
Dharmendra Kumar, Mahesh Kumar Bhargava, Apra Shahi, Jahnawi Aparajita

Surgical management of supracondylar femoral fracture in dogs
D.K. Dwivedi, Mehreen Bashir, Anmol Watal

Restabilization and correction of distal third femur fracture in a dog
B. Swathi, M. Raghunath, M. Sreenu

Bilateral legg-calve-perthes disease in a dog
S.K. Tiwari, Deepak Kumar Kashyap, M.O. Kalim

Therapeutic management of snake envenomation in a dog
Prabhavathy Harikrishnan, M. Ranjith Kumar

Surgical management of adenoma of perianal gland tumor
Mrunali Kamble, Raju Sharda, Rukmani Dewangan

Diagnosis and surgical management of tubulovillous rectal adenoma in A dog
V. Mahesh, S.V. Preetham Kumar, B.N. Nagaraj

Diagnosis of renal lymphoma in a dog
M. Chandrasekar, Stella Esther, K.G. Tirumurugaan, N. Pazhanivel, S. Kavitha

Clinical management of generalised juvenile pyodemodicosis in a labrador pup
K.S. Shah, Neha Rao, A.I. Shah

Caprine and Ovine

Modified technique of tube cystostomy in a goat
N.V.V. Hari Krishna, K. Suresh

Surgical management of uterine prolapse in a doe
C. Ramaselvam, T. Ponnambiga, R. Abiraami, A. Sivaprakasam

Surgical management of congenital prepuce stenosis in a kid
S. Vigneshwaran, P. Sankar, S. Kathirvel

Diagnosis and management of concurrent sarcoptic and psoroptic mange in a Malabari buck
S.L. Gayathri, M. Muhammed Asif, N.P. Usha

Concurrent protozoal and endoparasitic infection and its management in a munjal sheep
Maneesh Sharma, Jai Bhagwan, Snehil Gupta


Feline hyperthyroidism -An overview
Santosh H. Dalvi, G.S. Khandekar

Clinico-therapeutic management of primary partial uterine inertia in persian cat
P.M. Chauhan, K.D. Patel, Raish Pathan

Caesarean section in a queen cat
Devyani Nagrar, M.V. Kamble

Diagnosis and management of coccidiosis in feline patients
A.K. Bilwal, J.P. Joseph, B.J. Thakre, A.A. Vagh


Surgical management of canker in a Kathiawari mare
N.R. Padaliya, S.H. Talekar, R.H. Bhatt

Surgical management of third degree perineal laceration in a mare
N.R. Padaliya, R.H. Bhatt, J.V. Vadaliya

Therapeutic management of tetanus in a mare
K.P. Singh, R.V. Singh, Praneeta Singh, S.K. Singh


Nutritional and medicinal properties of camel milk -A review
N.K. Thakkar, A.P. Chaudhary

Diagnosis and therapeutic management of unilateral facial paralysis in a dromedary camel
Rakesh Ranjan, Kashi Nath, R.K. Sawal, Shirish D. Narnaware, Artabandhu Sahoo


Surgical management of omphalocele in white Yorkshire piglet
Ankit Negi, Kaushal, S. Purohit

Surgical management of umbilical hernia in pigs
P. Tamilmahan, A. Kumaresan, S. Senthilkumar

Wild Animals

Surgical management of gangrenous tail in asian elephant (Elephas maximus)
Nekibuddin Ahmed, Mridu Pavan Baishya, Prasanta Kumar Boro

Surgical management of severely lacerated trunk in a working elephant
D. Kalita, Nirmali Sarma, P.J. Nath, Bitupona Deuri

Management of punctured wound in greater one-horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis)
N.S. Chaudhari, R.R. Nala, R.K. Singh, R.K. Patel

Chemical restraining and rescue of a gaur (Bos gaurus gaurus) in Assam
Jahan Ahmed, Nekibuddin Ahmed

Diagnosis, management and control of newcastle disease outbreak in peafowls (Pavo cristatus)
Alok Kumar Khare

Management of blepharitis in red eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans)
Shivani Bante, Vivek Kumar Maurya, Anushka Gupta

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