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Journal of Commerce and Management Thought
Year : 2017, Volume : 8, Issue : 4
First page : ( 802) Last page : ( 815)
Print ISSN : 0975-623X. Online ISSN : 0976-478X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-478X.2017.00050.7

Correlating Internet, Social Networks and Workplace – a Case of Generation Z Students

Desai Supriya Pavan1,2,*, Dr. Lele Vishwanath3,4,**

1Ph.D. student, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Maharashtra, India

2Assistant Professor, Indira Global Business School, Pune

3Professor, National Institute of Construction Management and Research, Pune

4Ph.D. guide, Savitribai Phule Pune University

*Email: Supriya.desai@indiragbs.edu.in


Online published on 11 October, 2017.


Generation Z is a common name for the most recent generation at the labor market. Members of generation Z, born after 1990, are characterized as highly connected, active use of communications and media technologies such as World Wide Web or YouTube. They are accustomed to collaborate, share and distribute images and information. Besides, they are often described as instant minded with faster life rhythm, and tending to be more individualistic and self-directed. With the advent of technological innovations, the generation Z is constantly connected with their friends, peers, family, relatives and acquaintances. They are born and brought up with idea of a connected world and want to connect and share their accomplishments with all. This being said, the generation Z do not shy off from work and have a set of predefined ideologies towards their workplace. The workplace includes all the aspects such as team, superiors, subordinates, freedom of speech, etc.

It isn‘t a possibility for organizations to adapt to environment anymore but an actual and pressing challenge, because the generation Z, which is entering the labor market in these days, has significantly changed its needs compared to the earlier generations. This shift has resulted in a tangible need for empowerment. The purpose of the study is to investigate the perceptions of generation Z towards the workplace of their future. A survey questionnaire method is used to collect the responses from the generation Z students and the findings are noted.



Generation Z, Workplace, Career aspirations, Social networks, Generational differences, Social media.


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