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Journal of Global Communication
Year 2023, Volume-16, Issue-1 (January-June)
Print ISSN : 0974-0600
Online ISSN : 0976-2442

Table of contents

Research Articles

Food security: Community kitchens a way to enhance human security
Rashida Borsadwala, Sheetal Khandre, Duriya Ranijiawala

Emerging trends in green building construction in India: An eco-friendly technology
Pallavi Singh, Vishakha Singh, Rishi Kumar Singh

E-extension tools usages by extension personnel in Central Gujarat
Y.Y. Harikrishna, J.B. Patel, H.M. Vinaya Kumar

Determinant factors for social media utilisation behaviour of farmers for sustainable agriculture development
Pratik K. Patel, H.M. Vinaya Kumar, J.B. Patel

Impact of the effectiveness of social media advertisement on purchase intention toward smartphones with specific reference on gen-Y customers
Lakshmi G. Devi, R. Lavanya

Perceptions of farmers regarding the Kisan Call Centre: Evaluating effectiveness in resolving agricultural issues
Shaktiranjan Das, Soumya Dash, P.K. Banerjee

Myth and mithya of religious shows on Indian Television: Evolution, changing portrayals and characterisation
Anjali Mukherjee

Nostalgia advertising: A psychoanalytic study of Indian Ads
Sanskriti Agarwal

Deconstructing the notion of feminism among young urban men: Role of social media
Sarita Anand, Riddhi

Awareness of e-resources among postgraduate students: A longitudinal study
Ravikumar Chaudhari, Vinaya H.M. Kumar

Understanding the need for radical ramifications in the extension profession
Basavaprabhu Jirli


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