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Journal of the International Association on Electricity Generation, Transmission and Distribution
Year : 2009, Volume : 21, Issue : 1
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 11)
Print ISSN : 0000-0000.

Ocean Sequestration of Co2 After Recovery From Combustion Gases or Gaseous Fuel to Reduce Greenhouse Effects

 Rajni Kant, Retired Chief Engineer

(Thermal Design & Engg., UPSEB) Consultant, (Premier Mott Mac Donald, New Delhi).


The concept of carbon dioxide sequestration in deep ocean as an option to control global warming due to the emission of Co? from fossil fuel fired thermal power stations is worthy of research & investigation. Lot of research work has already been taken up in various countries in different associated areas such as finding suitable chemicals for recovery of carbon dioxide from gases, alternative methods of CO2recovery, pre-combustion CO2 recovery from gaseous fuel obtained from gasification of solid fuel, reactions of sea water with carbon dioxide at the pressure & temperature of deep sea, etc. There are many areas in which research has to be accelerated or taken up such as effects of carbon dioxide on marine ecology, development of mechanically strong and economically feasible method of delivery of liquid carbon dioxide in deep sea offshore, economical methods of transportation of captured CO? to designated locations, investigations covering deep sea dissolution of carbon dioxide, dispersion and Clathrate formation etc.


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