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Journal International Association on Electricity Generation, Transmission and Distribution
Year : 2022, Volume : 35, Issue : 1
First page : ( 30) Last page : ( 36)
Print ISSN : 2250-012X. Online ISSN : 2229-4449.

Demand Side Management

Kumar Avinash1

1BSES Rajdhani Power Limited

Online Published on 13 May, 2022.


The electric load in electricity distribution varies with time, season andgeographical location. Power production and power distribution must respond to the customers load demand at any moment of time. Therefore, modern electricity distribution utilities need accurate load data for pricing, tariff planning, distribution network planning and operation, power procurement planning and load management. The load information is mainly required to ascertain how a customer and a group of customers uses electricity at different hours of the day, different days of the week, during their different seasons of the year, what is their share of total utility’s load and how loads of different consumers aggregate in different locations of a distribution network.

State regulatory commissions have given task to Discoms to carry out a load research and submit the outcomes, so that the Demand Side Management (DSM) action methodology can be defined in a very precise manner.

Demand-side management (DSM) refers to practices that encourage the management of demand for energy in such a way as to maximize the utilization of existing generation, transmission and distribution capacity. DSM approaches include promoting more efficient use of year-round power, i.e. improving energy efficiency (EE), or adjusting demand strategically during times when power supply is constrained, especially during peak demand in the winter or summer months through Behavioural demand Response (BDR) program and Automated demand response (ADR) mechanisms. Either approach effectively generates utilizable energy by freeing up available supply to meet demand. It does not only allow demand side resources to directly compete with conventional supply but also saves on the enormous fixed costs otherwise paid by Utilities towards the committed capacity for generation, transmission and distribution.

Energy savings from the introduction of dramatically scaled DSM program can potentially replace retiring power plants or defer or displace the need for new generation or transmission investments altogether. DSM also helps in network planning and optimization (as non-wires alternatives) in coordination with distributed energy resources (DERs). In India in particular, where, per the Ministry of Power, imported fuels now account for at least twothirds of the energy supply, introduction of utility-scale DSM program can reduce dependence on fuel imports, reduce India’s negative balance of payments, and increase economic competitiveness–all while helping individual consumers save money on monthly energy bills.

Demand Side Management provide the flexibility in demand sidewhich includesintegration and managing real time demand curve including real time monitoring and potential estimation of generation from renewable energy, available potential of energy storage system, available potential of smart inverter back of energy meters and real time requirements of EV charging station. It encourages the management of demand for energy in such a way as to maximize the utilization of existing generation, transmission and distribution capacity.

The renewable energy sources are the everlasting solution to the problems of depleting conventional energy sources, energy security and increasing level of pollution in the environment. With the cost of generation from solar having fallen drastically, a similar trend is also seen in the prices of batteries. Further the fall in prices of battery could make renewable sustainable as renewable coupled with battery energy storage systems (BESS) have the ability to supply round the clock firm power.

As a progressive utility, BSES Rajdhani Power Limited (BRPL) is taking a lead role as Distribution System Operators (DSOs) and adopted new cutting-edge technologies in association with global leaders like: Predictive asset health maintenance and management using Drone and Artificial Intelligence inspired web based analytical platform,Power purchase cost optimization through AI and ML based demand forecasting technique at system level and also bottom-up approach, Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS) involving roof top solar system, generation forecasting, peer to peer trading, Managed EV charging and modelling study covering impact of distributed energy resources like energy storage system and EV charging on distribution grid, evaluating flexibility on consumer side (Front and behind the meter, load shaping initiatives, energy efficiency initiatives, Behavioural as well as Automated Demand Response (BDR & ADR), enterprise level data lake, Advance Distribution Management System (ADMS), digital initiatives for consumers covering metering, billing and all other services, capacity building for Its workforce through digital techniques and knowledge sharing and value added service to consumers including generation history.


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