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Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science
Year : 2019, Volume : 67, Issue : 3
First page : ( 241) Last page : ( 248)
Print ISSN : 0019-638X. Online ISSN : 0974-0228.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-0228.2019.00027.6

Characterization, Classification and Evaluation of the Soils of Lohardaga District, Jharkhand for Agricultural Land Use Planning

Sahoo A.K.*, Butte P.S.1, Nayak D.C., Singh S.K.1

ICAR-National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Regional Centre, Block-DK, Sector-II, Salt Lake, Kolkata, 700 091, West Bengal

1ICAR-National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Amravati Road, Nagpur, 440 033, Maharashtra

*Corresponding author (Email: sahooak2007@gmail.com)

Online published on 31 January, 2020.


Seven representative soil pedons from different landforms viz. flat topped hills, dissected hills with escarpment, hill slopes, narrow inter hill valleys, foot hills, very gently to gently sloping upland (Tanr) and low lying (Don) land of Lohardaga district, Jharkhand were studied for characterization, classification and evaluation of soils. The soils of dissected hills with escarpment and hill slopes are shallow to moderately shallow, gravelly with horizon sequence of A-AC-Cr-R and A-Bw-R and classified as Lithic Ustorthents and Lithic Haplustepts. Soils occurring on flat topped hills, foot hills and upland are very deep, well drained and have argillic horizons at sub-surface with horizon sequence of A-Bt and Ap-Bt and classified as Typic Rhodustalfs, Typic Haplustalfs and Typic Paleustalfs. Soils developed on narrow interhill valleys and low lying lands are also very deep, imperfectly drained along with redoximorphic features in sub-soils having horizon sequence of Ap-Bw-Bwg and Ap-Bw-Btg and classified as Typic Endoaquepts and Typic Endoaqualfs. Soils are mostly acidic except in the sub-soils of interhill valleys and low lands. Soil pH varies from 4.2 to 6.0 in surface and 4.5 to 7.8 in sub-surface. Organic carbon content in the surface soils ranges from medium to high (7.6 to 22.1 g kg−1) except in the soils of upland. Available N, P and K content in these soils vary from 170 to 637, 7.1 to 18.7 and 111 to 278 kg ha−1, respectively. The available Fe, Mn and Cu are sufficient in all the soils. Low content of available S and deficiency of available Zn and B are found in most of the soils of cultivated land. As per the land capability, land irrigability and crop suitability classification, soils of dissected hills with escarpment (P2) and hill slopes (P3) are not suitable for arable purpose and requires soil conservation measures to check soil loss whereas soils of other landforms are moderately to marginally suitable. Major productivity constraints for each landform are identified and corrective measures along with alternate land use options are suggested.



Characterization, classification, crop suitability, evaluation, landforms and land use planning.


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