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Year : 2022, Volume : 12, Issue : 2
First page : ( 102) Last page : ( 116)
Print ISSN : 2277-7938. Online ISSN : 2277-7946. Published online : 2022 October 25.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2277-7946.2022.00008.0

Extraction of Eponyms using RStudio: A Case Study of a LIS Journal

Malik Basharat Ahmad*

Ex-research Scholar, Department of Library and Information Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202001, Uttar Pradesh, India

*Email id: basharatmalik123@gmail.com

Online Published on 25 January, 2023.

Received:  08  ,  2022; Accepted:  09  October,  2022.


Eponyms are commonly used to honour notable scientists for their contributions to science. They are particularly prevalent in several scientific disciplines, like health sciences, mathematics, physics, chemistry etc. Several of these names are so deeply entrenched that it would be hard to function without them, despite the fact that they are etymologically meaningless terms. In this study, eponyms were extracted from full-text journal publications using RStudio scripts and presented their use comprehensively. The processing of 167 full-text ALIS documents as a case study, utilising a specified collection of 187 eponyms. 66 of the 187 eponyms were recognised, with the majority belonging to the fields of “information science” and “statistics”. Hirsch (182), Lotka (154), Garfield (156), Price (108), and Dewey (102) were the most common eponyms. The findings emphasize the significance of text mining for the rapid extraction and evaluation of eponyms, which could have significant implications for research evaluation. This text mining approach may be used to determine the most prominently eponymized Indian scientists in any field of study. The findings may also aid in identifying new research trends. The approach might serve as an example of the potential of text mining to comprehend scientific advancement.



Eponym, Text mining, Natural language processing, Scientometrics, India.


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