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Year : 2022, Volume : 12, Issue : 2
First page : ( 117) Last page : ( 127)
Print ISSN : 2277-7938. Online ISSN : 2277-7946. Published online : 2022 October 25.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2277-7946.2022.00009.2

Web-based Information Resources in IIT Libraries in India: User Survey


Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Library and Information Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202001, Uttar Pradesh, India

*Email id: mumtazabid.amu@gmail.com

Online Published on 25 January, 2023.

Received:  09  ,  2022; Accepted:  29  ,  2022.


Web-based information resources are playing a dynamic role in the broadcasting of current information to its patrons. Due to its international reach, speed of communication, storage and retrieval and hyper linking, web-based information resources became a boon among today’s learners and researchers. Web-based information resources like e books, online journals, online full-content databases, bibliographical databases and open access databases are providing information to the stockholder involved in learning, teaching and research. The object of this paper is to describe the awareness, use and identify the importance of different types of web-based information among the research scholars and faculty members of three major Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) in India i.e. Indian Institutes of Technology, Delhi (IITD), Indian Institutes of Technology, Kanpur (IITK) and Indian Institutes of Technology, Roorkee (IITR). Data was collected by using a structured questionnaire. The investigators have chosen a sample of 10% of the total population researchers randomly from each of the three IITs (IITD, IITK, and IITR) under the study. Investigators personally administered questionnaires to the users. It can be revealed from the analysis that web-based information resources have turned into a crucial part of the information needs of Research Scholars at IITs. Further, it has found that all the research scholars and faculty members in IITs are aware and using the web-based information resources, their study and research work. E-journals are found to be the most important web-based information resource for research and academic work in IITs followed by e-books. It is also found that Boolean operators are used frequently by the researchers in comparison to other advanced search techniques as a preferred method of searching. The results can be useful for developing and enhancing the use of web-based information resources in IITs as well as in other institutions.



Web-based information resources, e-resources, IITs, Research scholar, Faculty members, India.


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