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Journal of Pearldent
Year : 2010, Volume : 1, Issue : 1

Print ISSN : 0976-0180.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Leukoplakia - A Case Report

Dr. Ranjan Vikash, Post Graduate Student, Dr. Sunil M K, Professor and Head, Dr. Kurien Sophia, Professor, Dr. Kumar Raghav, Reader, Dr. Moger Ganapathi, Sr. Lecturer

Department of Oral Medicine, Diagnosis and Maxillofacial Radiology, D.J College of Dental Sciences and Research, Modinagar (U.P).


Tumours of the head and neck comprise an important group of neoplasia, the incidence of which is increasing in many parts of the world. This increase remains high, despite all the advances in modern medicine. This malignancy is more prevalent in the developing world and unfortunately, has not received satisfactory attention as the more prevalent cancers of the developed world, like lung, breast, or colon cancer. Recent advances in diagnosis and therapeutic techniques of these lesions have yielded novel molecular targets, uncovered signal pathway dominance and advanced early cancer detection. A male patient of age 35 yrs reported to the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology of D.J Dental college. Complained of pain and burning sensation since last 6 months and he also complaint of formation of bulge of mass at left side posterior back region of the jaw. Patient is habitual to Chews10 packets of supari per day since 10 years. Patient habituated of keeping snuff on both the sides of buccal mucosae and at vestibular region for about few minutes per day. smoking beedies, 1 packet per day since 10 years. Histopathologically reported as Poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of left side of Buccal mucosae and involving the Retro molar pad area.



Oral Cancer, Tobacco, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy.


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