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Agricultural Research Journal
Year : 2023, Volume : 60, Issue : 5
First page : ( 746) Last page : ( 756)
Print ISSN : 2395-1435. Online ISSN : 2395-146X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2395-146X.2023.00106.0

Farm-size and productivity relationship: A study of agriculturally advanced regions in India

Saini Rohit1,*, Kaur Manjeet2

1Research and Information System for Developing Countries, New Delhi

2Department of Economics and Sociology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004, Punjab

*Corresponding author : rohit.saini.ae@gmail.com

Online Published on 15 December, 2023.


The present study was conducted to examine the farm-size productivity relationship in agriculturally advanced states in India namely; Punjab and Haryana. The study is based on the data of 70th round of National Sample Survey Organization. The wheat and paddy are two main crops of rabi and kharif seasons, respectively in both the states with some differences across different farm-size categories. In the present study, the farm-size and productivity relationship is analysed at two levels i.e., cropwise analysis of physical productivity for wheat crop and farm level analysis for value productivity of all crops. Farm-size and input-use relationship is also examined. There is a positive and significant correlation between area under the wheat crop and productivity in both states. Relationship between the annual value productivity and cropped area is also significant and positive in both states. Relationship between farm-size and input-use is positive for fertilizers, plant protection chemicals, hired labour, diesel while negative for hired machinery in Punjab. In Haryana, farm-size and inputuse relationship is size neutral for fertilizers and plant protection chemicals; positive for hired labour and diesel; negative for hiring machinery and electricity. It is recommended that government should support the adoption of cooperative farming by the farm households belonging to marginal and small farm-size categories. Other support measures include developing farming systems & crops important for marginal and small farmers like potato, sugarcane, cotton; addressing input-use constraints faced by the smaller farms through government policies like increasing their RCC limit and providing higher DBT.



Farm-size and productivity, Input-use, Inverse relation hypothesis, Punjab and Haryana, Small and marginal farmers.


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