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Plant Disease Research
Year 2023, Volume-38, Issue-2 (December)
Print ISSN : 0970-4914
Online ISSN : 2249-8788

Table of contents RSS Feed

From Chief Editor's Desk
Vineet K. Sharma

Fungal Pathology

Antifungal effect of aqueous and cow urine extracts of native plants against Alternaria brassicicola causing leaf spot of cauliflower
Shalini Sharma, Amit Sharma, Monica Sharma

Characterization and evaluation of native Trichoderma isolates for antagonistic activity against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris
Deepak Kumari, N. K. Yadav, Narender Singh, Mahendra Kumar Saran, Rahul

Progress of Alternaria leaf spot in cotton influenced by weather parameters
S. L. Bhattiprolu

Field management of Corynespora cassiicola in cotton under close spacings
P. Mounika, S. L. Bhattiprolu, S. Khayum Ahammed, M. Sreekanth

Comparative effectiveness of fungicides, botanicals, nano-formulations and bio-control agents against Colletotrichum siamense and Neopestalotiopsis sp. causing anthracnose disease of guava
Rabia, Anita Arora, Amrinder Kaur, Daljeet Singh Buttar, Harpreet Singh, Kirandee P Kaur, Kuldeep Singh Bhullar

Integrated disease management of banded leaf and sheath blight caused by Rhizoctonia solani in proso millet
R. Sarada Jayalakshmi Devi, T.S.S.K. Patro, K.B. Palanna, V. Prasanna Kumari, V. Manoj Kumar, M. Divya, D. Sabina Mary, B. Praveen, Y. Sandhya Rani

Efficacy of different fungicides, botanicals, nanoformulations and bio-control agents against Colletotrichum siamense causing fruit drop in Kinnow mandarin
Amrinder Kaur, Daman Preet Kaur, Anita Arora, Harpreet Singh

Integrated management of banded leaf and sheath blight incited by Rhizoctonia solani in barnyard millet
R. Sarada Jayalakshmi Devi, T.S.S.K. Patro, K.B. Palanna, G.V. Ramesh, M. Divya, D. Sabina Mary, B. Praveen, Y. Sandhya Rani

Efficacy of iprovalicarb and copper oxychloride combination for the management of downy mildew of cucumber
Sandeep Jain, Ritu Rani, Pooja Salaria

Cultural, morphological and molecular variability of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum causing white rot of peas
Arashika, Dimple Rana, B. R. Thakur

Management of sheath blight of rice using Bacillus amyloliquefaciens based biofungicide
Daljeet Singh Buttar, Ajay Kumar Choudhary, Shuchi Srivastava, Gurveer Singh Brar, Sucherita Bains


In-vitro screening of native strains of fluorescent pseudomonads against Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. punicae, causing bacterial blight of pomegranate
Madhu S. Giri, V. I. Benagi, V. B. Nargund, P. Jones Nirmalnath


Effect of dates of sowing and methods of planting on viral diseases of muskmelon
Manmohan Dhkal, Abhishek Sharma

Short Communications

Effect of Karnal bunt incidence on quality parameters in wheat
Ritu Bala, Lenika Kashyap, Puja Srivastava, Jaspal Kaur

Prevalence of cucumber downy mildew disease in different agro-climatic zones of Punjab
Kritika, Ritu Rani, Sandeep Jain

National Symposium on Plant Pathology: Sustainable Approaches for Food Security and Human Health held at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221501 (UP) from December 8th - 9th, 2023

Plenary Lectures

Trichoderma: The most powerful arsenal of plant disease management
AN Mukhopadhyay

Wheat blast-a threat to global wheat production
Pawan K Singh, Felix Marza, Muhammad R Kabir, Krishna K Roy, Aakash Chawade, Xinyao He

Economically dangerous species of plant parasitic nematodes on agricultural crops in Russia today
Mikhail V Pridannikov

Technical Session 1 Current Status of Plant Diseases and Food Security

Lead Lectures

Plant pathogens and food security
C Manoharachary

Root-knot nematode infestation in rice in the Northern India and its management
Mujeebur Rahman Khan

Invited Lectures

Present status and scope of mushroom farming in Uttar Pradesh: An overview
Gopal Singh

Status of black rust of wheat in Madhya Pradesh
KK Mishra, DK Bajoriya, VK Yadav, Animesh Chatterjee

Current status of Fusarium species complexes in India and their detection strategies
Deeba Kamil, Rubin Debbarma, Bishnu Maya Bashyal, Amritha Das

Current status of emerging fungal diseases of vegetable crops: An appraisal
AN Tripathi, Vivek Singh, Shvetansh Singh, KK Pandey, AN Singh, TK Behera

Current scenario and management through host-plant resistance to major diseases of rice in India
Jagjeet Singh Lore

Oral Presentations

Emerging false smut disease in rice: Challenges and management options
Archana Mishra, Thanga Suja Srinivasan, Panneerselvam Peramaiyan

Nanoencapsulated essential oils and their applications in food safety
Abhishek Kumar Dwivedy

Occurrence and incidence of bakanae disease in rice caused by Fusarium fujikuroi in the Western Uttar Pradesh
Mohd Shahid Anwar Ansari, Mujeebur Rahman Khan

Identification and characterization of fungal endophytes as biocontrol agents
Isha Pokhrel, Abhishek Kumar, Dawa Dolma Bhutia, DA Veeresh, Sweety Chakraborty

Climate Resilient Agriculture: Way forward for combating abiotic stress and scenario at National and international level
MD Afjal Ahmad

Poster Presentations

Occurrence and yield loss caused by false smut of rice
V Prasad, Saurabh Dixit, SKS Rajpoot, DK Dwivedi, MK Maurya

Exploring the yield variation in Pleurotus membranaceus cultivation on the different substrates
Archana Kumawat, Alok Raj Wasnikar, Mayank Bishnoi, Hansa Kumawat, Manish Paroda, Mradula Bhadouria

Survey of guava orchards to investigate the chronicity of sudden guava decline: A complex disease caused by Meloidogyne enterolobii and Fusarium spp.
Meena Allada, Satya Kumar, Shilpi Rawat, Sonali Mehra, Rashika Tamta

Status of begomovirus infecting muskmelon in Punjab
Dibyajyoti Mahanta, Manmohan Dhkal, Abhishek Sharma, Rajnish Kumar Verma, PS Sandhu

Effect of different additives for the spawn production of Shiitake mushroom (Lentinuta edodes)
Ayushi Srivastava, Prince, Umara Rahmani, Vivek Kumar, Gopal Gingh

Seed health assessment of carrot (Daucus carota L.) in Punjab
Navdeep Kumar, Amarjit Singh, Parminder Singh Tak, Rajnish K Verma

Occurrence of rice root knot nematode in rice nurseries and fields of Punjab
Anupam Sekhon, Narpinderjeet Kaur Dhillon, Sukhjeet Kaur, Harwinder Singh Buttar, Dalvir Singh Dhami

Sustainable approaches for food security and human health
Prajanya Dubey, Sushil Kumar Singh, Rishabhdev Mishra

Impact of five days vocational trainings on knowledge and adoption of farmers
Pratiksha Singh, N.K. Singh, Maneesh Pandey, N Raghubanshi

Distribution of different rice diseases in Gurdaspur district
Rajinder Singh Bal, Sunil Kashyap, Rajwinder Kaur

Technical Session-II Etiology and Epidemiology of Emerging Plant Diseases Under Climate Change

Lead Lectures

Diagnosis, diversity analysis and race characterization of Xanthomonas species causing bacterial leaf spot disease in tomato and pepper in India
Dinesh Singh, P Lokesh Babu

Decision making tools for integrated disease management
KP Singh, T Aravind

Invited Lectures

Disease dynamics and soil health in ricewheat cropping systems under conservation agriculture: Challenges, experience and future strategy
Apurba Kumar Chowdhury, Swarnavo Chakraborty, M Ranjana Devi, Prateek Madhab Bhattacharya

Epidemiology of major diseases of cotton in Andhra Pradesh
SL Bhattiprolu

Recent understanding on etiology of emerging rice diseases and their diagnosis
Bishnu Maya Bashyal, ST Prashantha, Kirti Rawat, Gaurav Kumar Yadav

A challenge of crop disease management in shifting climate
Amar Bahadur

Oral Presentations

Characterization of Colletotrichum isolates causing fruit drop of kinnow mandarin (Citrus nobilis x Citrus deliciosa) in Punjab
Damanpreet Kaur, Harpreet Singh, Amrinder Kaur, Anita Arora

Histological analysis of glume discolouration of wheat in Punjab - A pathological perspective
Parminder Singh Tak, Rajnish Kumar Verma, Ambika Rautela, Jaspal Kaur, PPS Pannu

Epidemiology of foliar and soil borne cotton diseases
RR Waghunde, PJ Gosai, RR Patel, DM Pathak

Differentiating the Setosphaeria species on the basis of growth behaviour in artificial media
Gursimran Kaur, Gurdeep Singh, Aarzoo Pruthi, Dhriti Aggarwal, Ramandeep Kaur, Sunil Kumar, Mamta Gupta, Alla Singh, Sumit Kumar Aggarwal

Biochemical aspect of surviving capabilities and virulence efficacy of Ustilaginoidea virens, an incitant of false smut of rice
Prahlad Masurkar, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Vedant Goutam, Sandeep Gupta

First report of thread blight disease caused by Pestalotiopsis maculans in black pepper: The repercussion of climate change in current era
Linto Paul Jacob, Abhilasha A Lal, Sobita Simon

Poster Presentations

Effect of agronomic practices on incidence of Karnal bunt of wheat under Punjab conditions
Shubham Anand, Sarabjot Kaur Sandhu, Parminder Singh Tak

Unveiling the enigma: Identifying pod rot causative agents in black gram in India
Rajshree Verma, Kailash Pati Singh Kushwaha

Standardization of inoculation technique for charcoal rot in sesame
Arshdeep Singh, Pankaj Sharma, PS Sandhu

Standardization of quick protocol for estimation of sheath blight in rice mat nursery for mechanical transplant
Abhijit Nandi, Purushottam Mishra, Prince, Sekhar Bandyopadhyay

Pathogenic and molecular diversity of Puccinia triticina the incitant of leaf rust of wheat in North-West India
Harmandeep Kaur, Jaspal Kaur, Ritu Bala

Measuring plant disease severity using the Pliman R package
Ritik Digamber Bisane, SK Singh, Akansha Singh, Vemula Anjula Krishna, Lopamudra Singha

Host range dynamics of Pyricularia grisea: Insights into pathogenicity
Neha Sharma, Basavaraj Teli, Birinchi Kumar Sarma

A novel technique for isolation of Phytophthora cajani from soil
Pragati Nema, Abhishek Tiwari, Shailesh Dixit, RK Mishra

Hydroponic based rapid screening protocol for Fusarium udum causing wilt disease of pigeonpea
Abhishek Tiwari, Pragati Nema, Shailesh Dixit, RK Mishra

Effect of different media, temperature and pH on growth and sporulation of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lini causing linseed wilt
Prince, Gopal Singh, Abhijit Nandi, Pankaj Chauhan

Influence of different nutrient media on the growth and sporulation of Fusarium species causing Fusarium head blight in wheat
Parul Setia, Rajnish Kumar Verma, Parminder Singh Tak, Ambika Rautela

Effect of Karnal bunt infection on quality parameters in wheat
Lenika Kashayap, Nounehal Singh, Ritu Bala, Puja Srivastava, Jaspal Kaur

Effect of the environmental factor on the germination of the spores of Uromyces viciae-fabae (Pers.) J. Schrot. and its cross infectivity
S.S. Vaish, Anmol Singh Yadav, Anil Kumar Singh, Ramesh Chand

Technical Session-III Molecular and Multi-omics for Understanding Diseases and their Management

Lead Lecture

Cultural, molecular diversity and detection of antibiotic and copper resistance genes of Pectobacterium carotovorum sub sp. carotovorum causing soft rot of vegetables
ST Yenjerappa, Pavitra, YS Amaresh, K Ajith Kumar, HS Ganesh, Ashok Hugar, Mahadevaswamy

Invited Lectures

Plant infecting DNA viruses: Molecular intervention of its genome complexity and interactions with vector and host
Jayanta Tarafdar

Secondary metabolite profiling of potential Trichoderma spp. and their biocontrol and plant growth promoting (PGP) potential in Pulse crops
Raj K Mishra, Sonika Pandey, Naimuddin, Mohd Akram, Bansa Singh

Genome wide association studies coupled with expression analysis reveals novel regulators of spot blotch resistance in wheat
Sandeep Sharma, G Mahendra Singh, Uttam Kumar, Pradeep Bhati, VK Mishra, AK Joshi

Oral Presentations

Development of LAMP assay for early detection of rice seed borne fungal pathogens
C Gopalakrishnan, R Logeshwari

ISR defense responses of integration of potassium silicate, signaling molecule salicylic acid and root associated Bacillus megaterium on suppression of Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotium oryzae in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Raghu Shivappa, B Jeevan, Mathew S Baite, SR Prabhukarthikeyan, Rupak Jena, G Pandi Gurupirasanna, Prajna Pati, SD Mohapatra

Genome-wide mining of rancidityassociated genes in millets
Ratna Prabha, Amrender Kumar, DP Singh, Ritika, Kamal Batra, Sharwan Kumar

Pyramiding karnal bunt and rust resistance in high yielding wheat cultivars
Ritu Bala, Diksha, Puja Srivastava, Maninder Kaur, Ferdaws Bromand, Jaspreet Kaur, Divya Bhandhari, Jaspal Kaur, Achla Sharma

Untargeted metabolomics has prospects to reveal intertwined plant-pathogen interactions
Dhananjaya P Singh

Analysing the putative role of rice sweet gene(s) in conferring broad spectrum resistance against drought and blast disease
Amrita Saxena, Birinchi Kumar Sarma

Passing the immune torch: PGPR mediated intergenerational immune priming against spot blotch disease caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana
Bandana Devi, Prashant Singh

Poster Presentations

A simple and rapid DNA release protocol for PCR-based detection of pomegranate bacterial blight pathogen (Xanthomonas citri pv. punicae)
Mansi G Chakranarayan, N Manjunatha, Jyotsana Sharma, Somnath S Pokhare, Ruchi Agarrwal, Baswaraj Raigond, MH Mallikarjun, Rajiv A Marathe

A simple method for detection of quiescent fungal infections in pomegranate
Rutuja R Chavan, N Manjunatha, Sanjay V Kolase, Jyotsana Sharma, Somnath S Pokhare, Jaydip D Sirsat, Ruchi Agarrwal, Jyoti Patil

Enhancing resistance in Brassica juncea to combat powdery mildew disease: Insights into effector biology and RPW8 orthologous genes
Rakhi Tomar, Samridhi Mehta, Mahesh Rao, Rashmi Yadav, JC Rana, Anandita Singh, Ashish Kumar Gupta, RC Bhattacharya

SAR-mediated defense modulation against anthracnose disease of mungbean
Shivam Singla, Yogita Bohra, Vineet Kumar, Asmita Sirari, Parul Setia, Sucheta Sharma

Genomic insights and innovative approaches for management of Fusarium udum-induced wilt in pigeonpea
Kumar Aditya, Birinchi Kumar Sarma

A multifaceted approach to durable resistance against diverse pathogens in varied environments
Prastuti Bhattacharyya, BK Sarma, Akansha Singh, SK Singh

Identification of regulatory components involved in spot blotch resistance in barley (Hordeum vulgare)
Shivam Singh, Suman Bakshi, VK Mishra, Sandeep Sharma

Nano-technological approaches for the detection of plant pathogens
Sahil Shamkuwar, Shivangi Saha, Shalu Kumari, Rohit Kumar Verma, Arvind Patel, Kartikeya Srivastava

OsWRKY genes regulates differentially in response to individual and overlapped challenges of blast incidence and drought in rice
Jhumishree Meher, Srikanta Lenka, Ankita Sarkar, Birinchi Kumar Sarma

Identification and expression profiling of cell wall degrading enzyme genes in Magnaporthe oryzae
Rushikesh Jaiswal Munnalal, Basavaraj Teli, Birinchi Kumar Sarma

Metabolomic profiling of rice response to nematode infestation and biocontrol agent Arthrobotrys oligospora reveals potential biomarkers for sustainable agriculture
Vedant Gautam, Ravi Nagar, Vibhootee Garg, Kajol Gautam, Shreyashi Singh, Rakesh Kumar Singh

Stripe and leaf rust resistance gene mining in winter wheat germplasm
Mohitpreet Kaur, Jaspal Kaur, Ritu Bala, Puja Srivastava, Achla Sharma

Technical Session- IV Strategic Plant Disease Management and Quarantine

Lead Lecture

Quarantine regulations and diagnostic networks for biosecurity against plant pathogens
V Celia Chalam, J Akhtar, P Kumari, P Kumar, K Kalaiponmani, Priya Yadav, AK Maurya, S Lenka

Invited Lectures

Wheat powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici), a formidable threat in Indian sub-continent: Immediate backdrop and need for a strong wheat breeding program for its mitigation
Ashwani Kumar Basandrai, Daisy Basandrai, Amritpal Mehta

Cultivating a greener future: Harnessing heritable priming for smart plant health care
Prashant Singh

Nematode-trapping fungi: Genomics of nematode-parasitism, strategic soil adoptability and their biocontrol efficacy against phytonematodes and fungal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani
Dharmendra Kumar

Fungicides: New molecules
Sujoy Saha, Ratna Thosar, Shital Pharate

Oral Presentations

Effect of cow urine based formulation against soil borne plant pathogens of chickpea
Kamal Khilari, Priyanka Yadav, Shivani Chaudhary, Suraj Kumar Patel

Field efficacy of fungicides on blast disease of paddy (Oryza sativa L.) caused by Magnaporthe grisea in Vindhyan zone of Mirzapur district
Jai P Rai, Alok Kumar Singh, Suneel Kumar Goyal, Ajay Prakash Singh

Identification of resistant germplasm in sesame (Sesamum indicum) against sesame phyllody disease
KN Gupta, AK Panday, Akshay Salbarde, Rajni Bisen

Effect of application of plant defense inducers on sunflower diseases
Pankaj Sharma, P S Sandhu

Biorational management of finger millet blast
Rajesh R Waghunde, Ambalal N Sabalpara

Integrated disease management of Curvularia leaf spot disease in maize caused by Curvularia lunata
Tarun Kumar Jatwa, Jugal Kishor Silla, Neeraj Kumar Meena, SS Sharma, Kalpna Yadav, Anil Sharma

Anaerobic soil disinfestation: A potential tool to tackle Panama wilt tropical race 4 in banana
Ram Bahadur Khadka

Screening of rice genotypes for resistance to leaf blast (Pyricularia oryzae) disease under field conditions at Khajura
Basistha Acharya, Ram B Khadka, KC Sujata

Field evaluation of soybean genotypes for the identification of resistant source against soybean yellow mosaic disease
L Aryal, R Basnet, R Chaudhary, K Subedi, D Chaudhary

Poster Presentations

In-vivo and in-vitro evaluation of fungicides for management of Alternaria blight of radish
Diksha Loona, Ranbir Singh, Priya

Management of mango malformation in Bharuch district
JS Vaghani, DM Pathak, MN Parmar, RR Waghunde

Bio-rational management of pigeon pea wilt
RR Patel, RR Waghunde, DM Pathak, DM Gayakwad

Green vaccination: Harnessing Bipolaris sorokiniana for defense priming against spot blotch disease in wheat
Nidhi Yadav, Prashant Singh

Evaluation of cucumber germplasm for screening against downy mildew by in-vitro leaf disc assay and under natural conditions in pot-grown plants
Kritika Sardool, Ritu Rani, Sandeep Jain

Exploring resistance sources against sheath blight in rice cultivation
Ashish Singh Bisht, Bijendra Kumar, Rajshree Verma

Efficacy of different fungicide formulations against grain discoloration of rice incited with toxigenic cultures of Aspergillus and Fusarium species
Navdeep Singh, Anju Bala Sharma, Jagjeet Singh Lore, Mandeep Singh Hunjan

Efficacy of fluopyram on root-knot in rice caused by Meloidogyne graminicola
Irfan Ahmad, Mujeebur Rahman Khan

Mining of Indian wheat germplasm collection for resistance to loose smut of wheat
Divya Bhandhari, Ritu Bala, Puja Srivastava, Jaspal Kaur, Vineet K Sharma

Revealing novel genes conferring white rust disease resistance in indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) through genomewide association study and transcriptomic analysis
Samridhi Mehta, Ankita, Rakhi Tomar, Mahesh Rao, Prashant Singh, RC Bhattacharya, Ashish Kumar Gupta

Characterization of long-duration pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L. Mills.) genotypes for Fusarium wilt (Fusarium udum) resistance
US Sushmitha, AK Singh

Management of Curvularia leaf spot of maize (Zea mays L.) caused by (Curvularia lunata Wakker)
Sardesh Pandey, Ashwani Kumar Patel

Evaluation of different fungicides and bioagents against anthracnose of bean
Chandra Mani Patel, Ramesh Singh

Evaluation of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) germplasm against spot blotch (Bipolaris sorokiniana)
SS Vaish, Shiv Shankar Patel, Vikender Kaur

Characterization of population of Bipolaris sorokiniana causing spot blotch of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) for evaluation of germplasm
SS Vaish, Gutti Sai Chaitanya

Development of pathogen population for the evaluation of germplasm against spot blotch (Bipolaris sorokiniana) of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
SS Vaish, Janga Praveen Teja

Strategies for multiple disease resistance in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. ) for climate resilience
Shivangi Saha, Sahil Shamkuwar, Rohit Kumar Verma, Shalu Kumari, Arvind Patel, Kartikeya Srivastava

Screening for white rust in diverse genotypes of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.)
Arvind Patel, Futane Aachal Mahadevrao, Kartikeya Srivastava

Dynamics of Karnal bunt and black point diseases of wheat under different paddy straw management practices
Ambika Rautela, Megha Verma, Parminder Singh Tak

Technical Session-V Implications of Bio-agents and Botanicals for Plant Disease Management

Lead Lecture

Harnessing the potential of bioagents for sustainable disease management in 21st century
R Sarada Jayalaxmi Devi

Invited Lectures

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi colonization and spore population in different pea growing areas of Punjab- A glance
Vishal Monga, Daljeet Singh Buttar, Ajay Kumar Choudhary

Microbe based agricultural production: A green technology for plant disease management and to restore ecology and sustainability
Harsh Vardhan Singh, UB Singh, PK Sahu, Adarsh Kumar, Svatantra Dubey, Deepti Malviya

Nature's silent warriors: Harnessing the power of nematophagous fungi for nematode management in sustainable agriculture
RK Singh

Oral Presentations

Antagonistic activity of native Trichoderma against various pathogens
KA Parmar, DM Pathak, MN Parmar, RR Waghunde

The efficacy of organic amendments for the management of Meloidogyne incognita infecting gladiolus under protected cultivation
Nishi Keshari, SV Narendra, KN Pathak

Endophyte Chaetomium globosum strain CGSR13 enhances sugarcane growth and shows antifungal activity against Fusarium sacchari causing sugarcane wilt in India
Sanjay Kumar Goswami, Dinesh Singh, SP Singh, Rajeev Kumar, Ranjit Singh Gujjar, Chandramani Raj, Shweta Singh, Pooja Yadav, Hillol Chakdar, Prassan Choudhary, DP Singh, Dinesh Singh, R Viswanathan

Bio-efficacy of antifungal activity of SFE of Ailanthus excelsa against Alternaria leaf blight of sunflower
M Kavyasri, YS Amaresh, DS Ashwathanarayana, BT Raghavendra, Sharanagoudar Hiregoudar

Exploration of endophytic and rhizospheric microorganisms for antagonistic potential against Rhizoctonia bataticola causing dry root rot of groundnut and its management
Kamalarani, DS Aswathanarayana, ST Yenjerappa, MB Patil, Sathynarayanarao, R Harishchandra Naik

Development and evaluation of liquid formulation of consortium of nematode biocontrol agents for the management of M. incognita in chickpea
R Jagadeeswaran, Jyotirmay Dubey, GK Sujayanand, Devindrappa

Efficacy of organic amendments for management of Alternaria leaf spot and powdery mildew of mungbean (Vigna radiata l.)
Neeraj Kumar Meena, Tarun Kumar Jatwa, Suresh Chand Meena

Evaluation of biological approaches for controlling shoot and fruit borer (Earias vitella F.), white fly (Bemisia tabaci) and bhendi yellow vein mosaic in Okra in Eastern India
Prajna Pati, Brijesh Kumar Jena, SP Monalisa, Raghu Shivappa

Evaluation of Pseudomonas fluorescens (Flugge and Migula) for the biological control of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) diseases
KG Dobariya, JR Pandya, SN Patel, R R Waghunde

Trichoderma asperellum (T42) bio-priming modulates the bHLH defense programming in chickpea under the influence of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris and NaCl stress
Nidhi Rai, Shashi Pandey Rai, Birinchi Kumar Sarma

Bio-management of early blight of tomato (Alternaria solani) with solid-state fermentation formulation of Trichoderma species
Ziaul Haque, Mujeebur Rahman Khan, Seemab Zamir, Kartikey Pandey, Naina Gupta, Rakesh Naidu Rajana

Poster Presentations

Application of endophytes for stress tolerance and disease management
RR Waghunde, PJ Gosai, RR Patel

Evaluation of indigenous bio- inoculants against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ciceris causing chickpea wilt
Girijesh Kumar Jaisval, Vivek Singh, Arvind Kumar

Potentials of endophytic bacteria Pseudomonas gessardii RRBHU-1 in promoting tomato growth under biotic stress
Riddha Dey, Seema Devi, Surya Prakash Dube, Richa Raghuwanshi

Antibacterial efficacy of the Himalayan Tagetes minuta (wild marigold) against Klebsiella pneumoniae causing top rot disease in maize
Seema Devi, Riddha Dey, Surya Parkash Dubey, Richa Raghuwanshi

Effect of essential oils on the percent disease severity of Cercospora leaf spot (Cercospora citrullina Duch.) and growth of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Cooke)
Ananya Singh, Abhilasha A Lal

Seeds of resilience: Parental Trichoderma priming shields barley progeny from drought stress
Menka Tiwari, Bandana Devi, Shivangi Sinha, Nidhi Yadav, Prashant Singh

Antifungal potency of naturally occurring phenolic compounds from Ammannia baccifera L. against chickpea wilt
Aakash V Patel, Jaimin R Pandya, Vaibhav K Singh

Effect of selected leaf extracts on the mycelial radial growth of Phytophthora sp. causing corm rot of colocasia (Colocasia esculenta L.)
Divi Niharika Nirmala, Abhilasha A Lal, Sobita Simon

Efficacy of selected oil cakes and plant extract against the leaf spot (Alternaria brassicae) of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis l.)
C Akumarthi Deepika, Abhilasha A Lal, Sobita Simon

Tapping into sorghum's microbial arsenal: Ammonia-synthesizing endophytes for disease resistance
S Senthilkumar, Yogendra Singh

Revolutionizing garden pea yield: A synergistic strategy with plant extracts, bio-control agents and fungicides for root rot disease management and optimal productivity
Yogita Nain, Nitin Chawla, Priyanka Kumari Meena, Ridhi Shankar Sharma, SK Goyal

Trichoderma spp. as plant growth promoters (PGPs) and antagonists of major pulse pathogens
Ankita Sarkar, Lovkush Satnami, Mariya Ansari, Aalok Mishra, Vipin Verma

Efficacy of different botanicals against Sclerotinia blight of brinjal under in vivo conditions
Vivek Singh, Sushil Kumar Singh, Ashwani Kumar Patel, Akanksha

In-vitro evaluation of different plant based extracts against Meloidogyne incognita and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
Sucherita Bains, Sukhjeet Kaur, Rupeet Gill, NK Dhillon

Variability in population of Catenaria anguillulae
SS Vaish, Vandana Sahu

Fungi with plant growth promoting attributes and their role in enhancing growth of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata l.)
SS Vaish, Vandana, Sharmistha Biswal, Abhinandita Sahoo

Distribution of Catenaria anguillulae in different agro-climatic zones of Uttar Pradesh
SS Vaish, Ashwani Kumar Patel

Exploring the antagonistic ability of Fusarium proliferatum against Anguina tritici and approaches for its cultivation
PV Phanindra, SS Vaish

Growth and nematophagous activities of Drechslerella brochopaga in agricultural and orchard soil of Bundelkhand
Yogendra, Yogendra Kumar, Dharmendra Kumar

Assessment of mycoparasitic and nematophagous potential of Arthrobotrys thaumasia and A. conoides against Rhizoctonia solani and Meloidogyne incognita infecting mungbean (Vigna radiata)
Sakshi Pandey, Nilesh Sahani, Dharmendra Kumar

Bio Inoculation of Brassica juncea L. with PGPR: An alternative to improve crop growth under biotic stress
Surya Prakash Dube, Riddha Dey, Seema Devi, Richa Raghuwanshi

Biopriming with plant extracts to control seed borne fungal diseases of wheat crop
Shachi Singh, Anjali Yadav

A study on drumstick leaf powder as remedy for low hemoglobin level
Pratiksha Singh, N. Raghubanshi, Shriprakash Singh, R.K Singh, A.K Singh

Effect of vermicompost augmented microbial consortium in enhancing the nutritional quality of carrots
Jharjhari Chakma, Satyendra Pratap Singh, Dawa Dolma Bhutia

Technical Session-VI Scientist-Industry-Farmer Interface

Oral Presentations

Climate change and sustainable farming in India - ADAMA perspective
PK Mishra, Arpita Roy

Xivana Smarttm - A novel innovation for successful oomycetes disease management for the benefit of horticulture farmers in India
N Prem Kumar, Ganesh Kakade, Partha Baruah, Dipankar Dey, Sangram Wakchaure, Mayank Yadav

Zorvec Enibel: Revolutionizing potato late blight management with a novel fungicide
Neeraj Sharma, Bharani Deepan, Kavanashree, Pankaj Rautela, Ashutosh Bhaik, Edwin Rogbell

Proceedings of the National Symposium On
Dr. Jaspal Kaur

Symposium at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (December 8th-9th, 2023)

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