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Pearl: A Journal of Library and Information Science
Year : 2020, Volume : 14, Issue : 2
First page : ( 195) Last page : ( 208)
Print ISSN : 0973-7081. Online ISSN : 0975-6922.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0975-6922.2020.00025.X

Self-Assessment of Private Autonomous Engineering College Libraries Statistics in Andhra Pradesh

Kiran V.V. Lakshmi Ravi1,*, Rao K. Venkata2,**

1Research Scholar, Rayalaseema University, Kurnool–518007, Andhra Pradesh, India

2University Librarian, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna, Nagar–522510, Andhra Pradesh, India

*Corresponding author email id: vvlravikiran@gmail.com


Online published on 19 August, 2020.


This work examines the issues related to self-assess among the private autonomous engineering college library facilities and the staff strength of Andhra Pradesh, India. This paper tries to assess the particulars of college and availability of library facilities, infrastructures, e-resources, total library staff strength in these libraries based on a survey method. Libraries need professionally qualified as well as supporting staff to plan, direct and supervise various library operations, where professional and supporting staff performance is very important. Any library will develop their services based on the sufficient staff. To assess the library services will depend on the sufficient staff. The target population of the study consisted of librarians in these college libraries. The study is undertaken to survey the autonomous engineering college libraries present status and to assess the library facilities and infrastructure gaps among these college libraries and where the areas of shortage need to be found. Andhra Pradesh has a total 50 autonomous engineering colleges up to academic year 2018–19 as per UGC records. Retrieved from https://ugc.ac.in/subpage/Autonomous_Colleges.aspx out of 50, 5 are government running and the remaining 45 are under private management running autonomous engineering colleges. The 45 private autonomous engineering college libraries had been selected for my study. At first I collected these librarian names, cell phone numbers and e-mail ids. Closed form questionnaire was prepared and mailed to all the librarians. The questionnaire was belonging to various conventional favourable self-assessment procedures of libraries. Preliminary data were collected from 8 colleges on the appointment visit, 15 colleges sent by post, 18 colleges sent by e-mail and 4 colleges not replied any way. Total 41 colleges reacted. The college librarian's reply rate was 91%. This article pinpoints library user services gaps, library infrastructure gaps, ICT infrastructure gaps and shortfall of professional staff in these college libraries. The study suggests useful findings for these college libraries to make a development of library infrastructure, different user services, user facilities, ICT infrastructure and increase of professional staff. This will help the librarians to know their libraries about strengths and areas of improvements. Learning is a life-long activity to all the library staff. This paper tries to assist the library and professional development activities.



Self-assessment, Autonomous engineering colleges, Libraries, Library automation, ICT infrastructure, Library staff, Library profession.


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