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Year : 2023, Volume : 17, Issue : 1to3
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 2)
Print ISSN : 0974-5041. Online ISSN : 2249-0035. Published online : 2023  02.

From the Editor's Desk

Joshi Divya Upadhyaya, Sah Reetesh

Online Published on 2 March, 2024.


Welcome to the latest volume of QUEST, the research journal of UGC HRDC Nainital, where the pursuit of knowledge converges with the spirit of inquiry. In this edition, we are delighted to showcase a compendium of scholarly contributions that encapsulate a wide spectrum of thought-provoking subjects within the realm of Social Science.

The essence of this volume resides in its steadfast dedication to nurturing diverse perspectives and fostering rigorous intellectual inquiry. Every article showcased here embodies meticulous research, driven by a resolute commitment to unravel intricacies and confront pertinent societal challenges head-on. These contributions stand as a testament to the unwavering dedication of scholars and researchers striving to extend the frontiers of understanding within their respective domains.

The feature of this volume lies in its commitment to fostering diverse perspectives and rigorous intellectual inquiry. Each article featured herein reflects meticulous research, underpinned by a commitment to unraveling complexities and addressing pressing societal issues. These contributions stand as a testament to the unwavering dedication of scholars and researchers striving to extend the frontiers of understanding within their respective domains.

Prakash C. Tiwari's insightful work, “Women's Perception of Climate Change and its Impact on the Diversity and Productivity of Traditional Crops in Himalaya,” delineates the urgent need for climate-resilient agricultural systems. Tiwari's study underscores the pivotal role of women in adapting to environmental shifts, emphasizing the imperative for sustainable agricultural practices in the face of climate change.

Neeta Bharti delves into the evolution of Public Interest Litigation in India, providing a comprehensive exploration of its trajectory and impact on socio-legal dynamics. Concurrently, Caesar Roy's critical analysis of Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms illuminates the nuanced intersections between justice and accessibility within the Indian legal framework.

The scholarly dialogue extends further into the socio-political landscape with “Women at the contested borders of Kashmir” by Arti Devi and Vaishali Raghuvanshi. Their examination offers profound insights into the multifaceted experiences of women navigating the complexities of conflict-ridden territories.

Indra Mohan Pant and Kailash Chandra work on the “Challenges of Migration in Uttarakhand” meticulously unpacks the intricacies faced by communities in the mountainous regions, shedding light on the socio-cultural dimensions of migration.

Moreover, Dhirendra Singh Chauhan's discourse on “Cultural Heritage and Tourism in Uttarakhand” presents a comprehensive analysis of the growth, challenges, and potential avenues for sustainable tourism development in the region.

Adding to these insightful contributions, the paper “Economic Impact of Industrialization: A Social Study” by Yogendra Singh and Yogesh Kumar examines how economic changes due to industrialization affect the intricate dynamics of society. It offers valuable insights into the diverse impacts of industrialization on society.

The collective endeavor showcased in this volume underscores the journal's commitment to fostering informed discourse, critical analysis, and the dissemination of knowledge. The rigorous peer review process undertaken ensures the veracity and scholarly merit of each contribution, elevating the journal's standing as a platform for academic excellence.

This volume is all about encouraging different viewpoints and deep thinking. Each article you'll find here is the result of careful research, aimed at solving important social problems. They show how dedicated scholars and researchers are, pushing the limits of what we know in their areas of expertise.

Warm regards,


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