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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year : 2022, Volume : 15, Issue : 12
First page : ( 5785) Last page : ( 5788)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.
Article DOI : 10.52711/0974-360X.2022.00976

Utilization of Hydrotropic Solubilisation Technique for Quantitative Studies of Dexamethasone in Pharmaceutical preparations

Karajgi Santosh*, Hajeri Sameersing, Potadar Shripad

Department of Pharmaceutical Qualtiy Assurance, BLDEA’s SSM College of Pharmacy and Research Centre, Vijayapur586103, Karnataka.

*Corresponding Author E-mail: santosh.karajgi@gmail.com

Online Published on 06 March, 2023.


Solubility is a crucial characteristic for achieving the appropriate drug concentration in the systemic circulation and demonstrating pharmacological response. Poor water solubility can severely limit drug efficacy, and some medications can even cause negative effects as a result of their poor solubility. Enhancing water solubility can be done through several of methods. Increased water solubility can thus be a beneficial technique for enhancing therapeutic effectiveness and/or reducing side effects. This is true for solutions that are given intravenously, topically, or orally. Increasing the aqueous solubility of drugs that are weakly water soluble can be done in a variety of techniques. Hydrotropy is a solubility enhancement technique that uses hydrotropes such as sodium benzoate, sodium salicylate, sodium citrate, urea, ibuprofen sodium, and niacin amide to improve the solubility of poorly water-soluble drugs. Hydrotropic solubilization was employed in this study to solubilize weakly water-soluble drug like Dexamethasone utilizing hydrotropic agents like sodium benzoate (2M) and sodium salicylate (2M). Dexamethasone has maximum absorbance at 272.05nm, when sodium benzoate is used as a hydrotropic agent. In the 5-25 µg/ml concentration range, this substance follows the beers law. Dexamethasone shows maximum absorbance at 317.10nm, when sodium salicylate is used as a hydrotropic agent. In the concentrations ranging from 5 to 25µg/ml, this substance follows the beers law. The findings of studies have been statistically confirmed, as well as by re-examination studies. According to the ICH guidelines, validation parameters such as linearity, range, and assay were investigated.



Solubility, Hydrotropic, Solubilisation, First order, Derivative.


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