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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year : 2022, Volume : 15, Issue : 12
First page : ( 5879) Last page : ( 5885)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.
Article DOI : 10.52711/0974-360X.2022.00992

Solid Lipid Nanoparticles: A Promising Novel Carrier

Panja Amica, Mishra Ashish Kumar, Dash Mahesh, Pandey Narendra Kumar*, Singh Sachin Kumar, Kumar Bimlesh

School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lovely Professional University, Punjab - 144411, India.

*Corresponding Author E-mail: herenarendra4u@gmail.com

Online Published on 06 March, 2023.


Nanoparticles are solid colloidal particles which are having a size or dimensions ranging from 1-100nm.The word nano is derived from a Greek word ‘nanos’ which means extremely small, so nanoparticles are the particles that are extremely small in size. Colloidal particles are manufactured by either natural or synthetic polymers and are able to reduce toxicity, but due to certain limitation of these polymeric nanoparticles alternative carriers of lipid were formed. These alternative forms are known as Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs). SLNs are the novel nanoparticulate systems consisting of colloidal carriers having a size 50-100nm. In these systems basically physiological lipids are dispersed in water or in any other surfactant solutions. SLNs are made up of a solid hydrophobic core which is coated with a monolayer of phospholipid. The drug is dissolved or dispersed in a solid hydrophobic core. SLNs are able to carry lipophillic drugs with them and are able to achieve sustained release of drug. SLNs can be given via different routes. SLNs can be prepared by different methods and are characterized using SEM, TEM, DSC, TGA etc. Now SLNs are used in different aspects like in cosmaceuticals, targeting, in antitubercular chemotherapy. SLNs have different advantages like they improve the stability of pharmaceuticals, have excellent bioavailability.



Lipophillic, SLN, Bioavailability, Hydrophobic, Pharmaceuticals.


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