TAI Journal Year 2023, Volume-12, Issue-2 (July) Print ISSN: 2277-2820 Online ISSN: 2278-4713
Table of Contents
From the President DeskDr. Mangu Singh
EditorialA.K. Dinkar
(I)-TM’s Output in T01 of USBRLP; An Efficient and Safe Hybrid Tunnelling MethodH. Bineshian, S. Gupta and R.K. Hegde
Enhancing the Sustainability of Underground WorksDr. Florian Krenn
Risk Analysis and Risk Sharing in Tunnelling Works for Metro Rail ProjectsSubrahmanya Gudge
Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Permanent Rock-Bolts in Mined Caverns used for Underground Storage of HydrocarbonsP. Hofmann and P. Neveu
Design and Planning of Excavation Sequence and Blasting Techniques for large UG CavernsRakesh Khali and Naveen Bahuguna
Structural and Sustainability Requirement for Precast Segment Push for the use of High Performance Steel FibreBenoit De Rivaz
Activities of TAI
Workshop on Best Practices for Safe Cross Passage Investigation Design and Construction - 29th & 30th June 2023, New Delhi
Tunnelling Asia 2023: Conference on Climate Resilience and Sustainability in Underground Space - 22-23 November 2023, Mumbai
4th Edition: TAI Tunnelling and Underground Space Awards 2023
9th Edition of ITA Tunnelling Awards 2023 Winners - 24th November 2023 at Mumbai, India
TAI News