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Year : 2019, Volume : 10, Issue : 1
First page : ( 42) Last page : ( 48)
Print ISSN : 2231-0681. Online ISSN : 2231-069X. Published online : 2019  1.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2231-069X.2019.00001.5

Performance Management System in Higher Education - An Empirical Study

Mufeed Umar1,*

1Assistant Professor, Cluster University Srinagar (CUS), Srinagar, J&K, India

*Email id: umar.mufeed08@gmail.com

Received:  12  January,  2019; Accepted:  04  March,  2019.


Performance management system in recent times has gained immense popularity irrespective of nature and control of institution. Performance management system is considered critical for improving individual performance and increasing institutional competitiveness. In higher educational context, performance management system is widely discussed and debated among academicians and policy makers as it is been regarded as one of the vital factor for institution building. This study aimed to examine the perception of teaching personnel towards performance management system prevailing in sample select universities. It further, aims to study employee's perception towards performance management system across demographic variables like gender, age and experience. The study gathered responses from 282 teaching personnel from within the state of J&K. The data whatsoever collected was analyzed using SPSS 20 version. The results of the study revealed that teaching personnel of sample select universities have shown above average satisfaction level with respect to existing performance management system prevailing in their respective universities. Moreover, it was found that gender did not have any significant effect on the satisfaction level of teaching personnel while as demographic variables like age and experience had a significant effect on the perception level of teaching personnel prevailing in sample select universities. The findings of the study regarding performance management system in sample select universities have certain policy implications which if addressed can make them to function and perform more effectively. Therefore, it calls for improving the performance management system of academic staff through identifying and developing their talent and enriching the process of appraisal system which eventually will help in their individual development and would also lead towards enriching institution building process.



Performance management system, Performance appraisal system, Teaching staff, Higher education, Universities, Excellence.


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